
@Flackette Goes Retro: You know, I think those values are good for people to learn, regardless of their size. I've suffered from an eating disorder in the past and a lot of that had to do with a fear of food and of feeling full. My life is so much better now that I don't think of food as something inherently bad for

@babyruthless: I have a cousin who is just like that. He's 6'7", 21 years old, and has always lived on pizza and fried chicken b/c that is all that he would eat. His ears stick out further than the rest of him. Regardless of his size, he is certainly not doing himself any favors in the health department. But he

@IvyArbor: I agree. I can understand why an overweight person (or anyone really) might feel self conscious at the gym, but I have never seen anyone harassed at the gym. I'm not saying it doesn't happen- but I have never witnessed it, although I have seen overweight people working out on numerous occasions.

I've gotten (somewhat recently) to a point in my life where my eating style is really working for me, both in terms of satisfaction and healthiness. Beyond focusing on eating lots of veggies and very little processed stuff, I've embraced the somewhat counter intuitive notion of making sure I'm full. Not stuffed to the

@RStewie: You may actually not be eating enough. If you don't eat enough, your body goes into starvation mode, slowing your metabolism down, and making you hold on to every last pound.

@agentsee: As someone who was bullied throughout school, I think that the high school environment isn't a very realistic depiction of what the real world is like at all. If someone beats you up the real world, they can be charged with assault. If someone tells lies about you, they can be sued for slander. And if you

Thanks for reminding me that I forgot to pick up my jarss of chow-chow the last time I went to visit my mom. The recipe calls for at least 30 bell peppers (along with onions, vinegar and sugar), makes a mere 7 jars,and I go through about a jar a year. Does it say something odd about my mentality that I need nearly a

What irks me a bit about this article is that she sounds like she's stigmatizing anti-anxiety meds. Which really doesn't help anything.

@rednrowdy: I couldn't watch more than about a minute of the TFL guy's video. He's just repugnant. It amazes me that someone can lack the self awareness to realize how offputting their manner, words and attitude are. The only thing forcing this guy into isolation is his own conduct. He's like the concentrated form of

So that's where the jumpsuit my mother made for me when I was 8 went!

Me. Because I will knock her down and steal her outfit.

"I'm sorry Mr. Affleck. You've entered a No Pants Zone. Now hand them over." :)

@bluebears: Yeah we just had super short mesh shorts and see through white mesh sleeveless tops (which we accessorized with sports bras in our school colors), which was bad enough, considering that we did laps around the football field during practice. A bikini bottom just seems cruel.

@femaledwightschrute: I think that a lot of people know the "Don't let the flag touch the ground rule" but not necessarily don't wear the flag, drape the flag or bunch it up. It's news to me.

@JeromeCabaret: @gangey: Seriously, I'm not a mom but I am a runner and nothing makes me feel as happy as when I can go for a good run on a nice day.

@ceenee: Seriously! Forget the flag, the panty hose are the true affront to America. :P

@pica: She can kiss my *awesome* runner's butt, that's what she can do.

@shellybean: Mind you, there are no vampires in the Karen Marie Moning books, but the are definitely in the genre of Urban Fantasy (it's set in a city and deals with Fae, Druids, and psychics) and a lot of the themes explored in this book are similiar to the ones in the vampire novels....the allure of power and

I would suggest Chelsea Quinn Yarbro's Count St. Germaine novels for some wonderfully underappreciated vampire fiction. I wouldn't call hers urban fantasy at all though. I tend to describe it as "really good historical fiction that happens to have a vampire as the main character."