
I felt pretty squicked out when I read the article and he said "And when I say intimacy, I don't mean holding hands in the park or a back rub." Because I think that those are things that can really help a relationship too. I feel like someone needs to lock him in a room with thr Garth Brooks song "Somewhere other than

I've heard that Havanese are wonderful dogs, but when I was researching dog breeds a few years ago, I also discovered that they are very expensive and fairly rare.

ooh, also I wish there was a word between boyfriend and fiance for what happens when you are committed as heck and living together but not engaged or married. boyfriend sounds so insulting to me sometimes because he is certainly much more than that. However, if I say "my partner" it makes me worry people will assume

I had the same problem back when I was engaged to my ex-husband. But I actually like the word "intended." I usually just sucked it up and said fiance, but one time my then soon to be mother-in-law introduced me as her son's intended and I thought it sounded appealingly quaint.

@Samanthrax: I always felt very smug about the contents of my shopping cart when I was living by myself. I thought they struck the right balance between healthy and hedonistic. :) Now that I live with my carb-phobic boyfriend, I can still be smug about all the health food, but still I think my grocery cart was more

Because shopping for presents would be so much easier. :)

Does anyone else notices that she has no nipples in the last picture? Genetic freak, indeed!

When I was about 11, I was standing in my bathroom and very clearly felt a hand touch my back. I got the impression that it was a little girl but no one was there.

Mine is fun and attention getting, but not sexy. I'm going as a robot, which involves me wearing a silver wig, silver leggings, silver dress (which, being cut a bit like a t-shirt, is not sexy), silver shoes and silver makeup.

She's a runner- and it must take a lot of dedication to run in Alaska, since its often very cold there.

I've made a couple replies already, but when I'm in town with my Mom, I totally go to lunch with her Red Hat friends. They're a hella good time. Also, when I got divorced and went home for a few days to lick my wounds, those ladies were the ones to stop by the house and drag me out for sushi. I love Mom's friends and

Ooh! I hated Cyclops in the X-men Cartoon that came on when I was a kid. I just never seem to go for the fearless leader type.

Thank you thank you thank you!!! I wanted to cry when he said that on Wed. I'm so disgusted with him over this. The disdain in his voice was chilling. This is a man who HATES women. *sigh* And I just loved him back in 2000. :(

I took one zoloft once. It was prescribed to me by the family dr. at the urging of my mom. It literally caused me to have an 8 hour panic attack. I am now deeply afraid of SSRI's.

I swear this is just going to put ideas in my bf's head. He claims that his favorite girl's name is Tupelo (this all started from a joke, but its really stuck). I refer to poor Tupelo as his imaginary redneck child.

@rosasparks: Yeah, I expect married sex to be exactly like pre-married, living together sex. Which is, fortunately, pretty darn good. :)

@PhillyLass: Because nothing says "Don't believe the bullshit your guy friends are feeding you about sex ending after marriage" like cutting him off for a month prior to the wedding!

@shellybean: I forgot a couple things I wanted to say.