
I'm a chemical engineer, 27 years old, female and I work in an oilfield consulting firm. There is exactly 1 other female engineer, although we have a few other ladies in administrative positions and drafting. My office is filled primarily with men old enough to be my dad. They are fabulous coworkers, but their sense

I'm such a dork, but I really want to marry Mal from Firefly/Serenity.

@TresJolie: I was totally gonna say Christian Slater in Bed of Roses until it occured to me that he might fall into the category of "Manic Pixie Dream Boy" in that one.

@KathrynwithaY loves Joan Collins: I lasted like 2 months with my EFM. And only that long b/c I told him I wanted to start seeing other people and he was like "well can I keep seeing you too until you find someone you like better?"

By 38 I would like to either have a child or be on my way to adopting one (I have a personal plan that if I don't have a biological child by 35, I'm gonna stop worrying about it and try to get the ball rolling so I can adopt around 40.)

Stolen shamelessly from my friend:

Don't approach me in a bar, notice my engagement ring and say a) "I'd get you a bigger one." and/or b) "You're clearly to independant to get married."

You've posted your pics in my order of preference. I think #1 isn't too dressy for day at all. I'd go with that one for sure. But number two is also good. I don't think number's 3 or 4 would work as well.

Good luck and stay safe, Texan Jezzies!

For the last time, I swear I didn't borrow your concealer!


Nagin says we can come home soonish.

Update: Fox news (I'm watching it mainly to make fun of Gerlado's hurricane coverage) just announced that Sarah Palin says her daughter is currently pregnant and set to marry the father of the baby.

Just woke up at 7:30. Gray and I little rainy and every now and then we get a gust of wind. So far its been anticlimactic even for TS level winds, but apparently its supposed to intensify.

I had the best evacuation ever. I woke up at 4am Saturday, was on the road by 6am, and got to my parent's house here exactly 80 minutes later (which is how long it normally takes me). I was really surprised that it didn't take longer. There were a lot of cars for an early Sat. morning, but apparently all the traffic

@melanielectric: yeah I'm on three rivers, actually. so very close indeed!

Anybody read about the problems with contra flow on I-59?

@melanielectric: North of I-10, close to (and north of, actualy) the big strip mall with Old Navy and the movie theater. Its been a ghost town since this afternoon when I made a beer/junk food run. I've been expecting rain bands for like an hour, but nothing so far. It is VERY eerie, I think.