
I don’t spend a great deal of my time dwelling on the prequels. I accept the characters that have come from it, and enjoy many of the stories they led to.

Proud of #USSupremeCourt affirming the Texas law banning abortion

This story is absolutely, utterly absurd and maddening.

“A culture that encourages you to let someone else tell you when to push instead of feeling it yourself scared me. I wanted to have power over my experience. Not to be a martyr but because my body was made to do this.”

I’ve always been a giant fan of Frazier’s, and I’m thrilled to see him coming back into the limelight. That said, I don’t think his acting toolset is nearly as deep as McConaugheys. (Very few are)

He got his COVID injection back there. He’s magnetized now. 

If you’re giving odds I’ll take them. Given that they haven’t shut down allll the other mods out there, including the one this is made on which has been active for a couple decades now. 

Given how the Outer Worlds port came out, it feels like it would have been worse news for Nintendo fans if they DID release it for Switch.

Imagine being so rich and petty that even though you could release it on a platform and make more money you won’t because another company would also get a sliver of it...

Most notably, the Millenium Falcon was turned on its’ side and shoved between buildings to fill out the cityscape in those legendary flying car scenes.

I’m guessing it has to do with where they are made. Empire Strikes Back was filmed in England and The Phantom Menace was filmed in Australia. Was the Uno sold down under?

Jason - As a lifelong filmmaking enthusiast, please let me extend a heartfelt thank you for writing this article without implying that propmakers are trying to get away with something by using real life parts.

That’s why they’re all 90%+ humanoid because BW isn’t thinking anyone wants to plow a Klingon female or a blob monster.

I absolutely agree that they almost certainly were clouded by the fact that he was an actor , but there’s no world in which a background player like Doug Hutchinson is “very rich and very famous”. Most of his fame and money came from exploiting his twisted relationship with Stodden. 

 So I have to be honest, those dividers are really what’s confusing me. Are these all one way roads? Or are they just that stupid that they move into the oncoming lane WELL before they even hit the roundabout?

To me that’s the only metric that matters. As someone who rarely has the time/will to finish games these days, I’m all about the value proposition of the hours I DO play. 

A gun will never be a non-lethal weapon, period. It’s designed to kill. Trying to use it to wound someone would still just result in a ton of unwanted deaths. If you shot someone in the leg but hit their femoral artery? They’re gone in minutes if that.

This is just sooo F&F it hurts to think about. 

Black Panther should have been in Marvel’s Avengers from day one.

The thing is, when you say “the industry” doesn’t give a shit, you’re lumping together the literal thousands of people who worked on the film. A lot pf people really have no idea the scope of work that goes into a big budget film; literally no one is watching EVERYTHING, because that’s impossible, particularly when it