I’ve always laughed at the extreme reactions of Star Citizen haters, but this is both accurate and hysterical (and sad).
I’ve always laughed at the extreme reactions of Star Citizen haters, but this is both accurate and hysterical (and sad).
Massachusetts really isn’t the deep blue Democratic haven it’s presented as. Once you leave greater Boston, Worcester, and Springfield to a lesser extent, things turn bright red.
I can understand why some people don’t like the current grill, but for myself? Being a lifelong Aston fan what made me finally break down and buy a 2020 Vantage AMR was how good it looks, and that very much includes the grill.
Full Throttle may have been the first game I fell in love with. Not just enjoyed playing but becamse enamored with the art, the voice acting, the writing. I’m glad you linked to the opening sequence because it’s quite possibly the most perfect opening to a video game ever made.
I normally wouldn’t have much interest, but I’ll watch Chiwetel Ejiofor any day, anywhere. Anne Hathaway and Dule Hill are just icing on the cake.
Ohio resident here. I just found out from this article that the video was in Ohio and I am shocked not in the least.
Ah, I didn’t realize they were separated back them; that’s valid. Personally I’ve fallen a bit out of love with his signature “quipy” style that I used to love. But I would honestly be curious to see him do a real, personal project again and see if it’s any good. I feel like Ultron, Agents, and Justice League could…
He was revered by fans and touted as a feminist champion for decades, and then became massively successful and wealthy from Avengers. Then it turned out he was, in fact, a normal fallible human not the perfect artist most saw him as. And as usual, the internet despises any ultra successful person who’s not perfect, so…
Out of curiosity, what has he done since his divorce? I can’t think of anything except Justice League (which I will always believe that the moderately entertaining parts were his).
I feel the same? Like I know people are excited but I haven’t felt that this is ALL anyone is talking about, any moreso than other long awaited AAA releases.
Right? The supporting allegations of his coworkers seems almost cartoonish. I’ve met and known plenty of people who don’t want children and don’t see a need to procreate, but I’ve never come across a workplace where an employee who is expecting a child would be routinely mocked by multiple other employees.
As I only occasionally get to drive comparable cars, I don’t have an enourmous stable of experiences for comparison. But godDAMN I love my 2020 Vantage AMR.
That’s my reading, but I’ve only been playing the single player so far so I can’t comment from experience.
I think the problem is that the opposing team gets a morale bonus when someone on your team dies, so when you have teammates intentionally crashing themselves your team gets penalized. And there isn’t actually a good reason for it because crashing into the capital ships doesn’t really do much.
I still remember flying up to pick mine up in Detroit. I was told it was somewhere in the first 5 customer to take possesion. Got it back home around midnight and straight to C&C the next morning.
Quick question: isn’t there a Transformers cartoon on Netflix or somewhere right now? Is this tied into that or is this just for a toyline?
some Star Wars figures couldn’t even stand up on their own
When I was a kid all the cool kids had a Super Nintendo. I wanted a Super Nintendo, I begged my parents for one, I never got one. I lived through it with no psychological scars.
To be honest, the history of games like CS:GO and Valorant would indicate that people ARE interested in paying for cosmetics. As long as it doesn’t affect the gameplay this sort of thing really doesn’t distress me.
I would say that’s a solid reason for the terribleness of the standard costumes, so that you’d be incentivised to spend money on better ones. But honestly I think they just made REALLY BAD designs. The alternate costumes I’ve seen so far run about the same ratio of good to bad that the standard ones do.