thats just bill berry...he doesnt have much to do with his time after retiring from r.e.m.
thats just bill berry...he doesnt have much to do with his time after retiring from r.e.m.
This is much more accurate, since unlike refugees, skittles can be orange.
“The closeted perv has never come out as gay”
Because he very well may not be; being a child predator /= gay. Abusive sex is about power, not identity.
Calgary. Of course. Alberta is the Texas of Canada.
Yes, but were you able to find out why all those people in the picture have been splashed with Kool Aid? Did they murder Kool Aid Man?! OH NOOOOOOO!
Bruce, the teen who was killed, was the one who was charging his cellphone.
If you’re charging your cellphone at a 7-11, chances are you’re gonna be charged with a hate crime somewhere down the road ...
So, I assume this book is about shooting up the walls of heartache.
This. He looks great in this stunning dress, and I applaud him for doing what he wants to do instead of what society tells him he should do. But in choosing this aesthetic, he stands on the shoulders of people he routinely denigrates in his music, and that is not cool.
Do we really have to go into why this is a problem again??
I would like to take a moment to pay tribute to my father, Marine Corp Colonel Samuel Tillett for his courageous and near fatal actions, attempting to save as many lives as possible 15 years ago today in his position as head of security at The Pentagon. When the plane hit my father was not but a hundred feet from the…
Oh — Emirjeta Xhelili? Of the Mayflower Xhelilis?
John Lennon was a mysoginist piece of shit who beat his first wife and abandoned his first son. I just wanted to bring that up.
Like a baby screams!
Dear Sean Lennon,
A) Your father smacked women around but I doubt you learned your attitude to “the Jimi Hendrix boycott scenario” from John;
B) Men definitely condescend to women and have been used to doing it for at least 10,000 years;/ Let’s be honest.; and,
C) Finally, while some (very few in my personal…
I’m equally surprised that the son of John Lennon would turn out to be a cock.
Please grow up and stop cos-playing your dead father and his mates, you fucking idiot.