My Name Breaks the Rules


YEAH! AN R.E.M. reference that is not Shiny Happy People or End of the World. Have a star!

Cottonelle with Aloe is best Cottonelle.

Cottonelle with Aloe is best Cottonelle.

Purple Cottonelle (why do they even make the blue kind?).

Purple Cottonelle (why do they even make the blue kind?).

She’ll see more time than a rapist. Wow.

Dismissed. Anyone else want to use a new burner to blame the victim? Come at me you pieces of shit.

Before you were born an ugly, warted old woman sat by the side of the road and asked for help changing a tire. Your parents stopped and changed it for the old woman, kindly. Then, before their very eyes-the old woman began to transform into the most beautiful fairy princess they had ever seen!

Meanwhile, I’ll continue standing outside of fertility clinics shoving pamphlets for Tahiti vacations and luxury yachts into people’s hands shouting “DON’T ABORT YOUR EXPENDABLE INCOME AND LEISURE TIME” while others wave massive blown-up pictures of poopy diapers and red-faced tantrum meltdowns at them.

He self-published a book of poetry called Eskimo Papoose that was full of plagiarized Tori Amos lyrics.

Eh, I think she was fully justified. Hopefully she gets out earlier rather than later. This woman isn’t a danger to society, just towards a “mother” who abused the living hell out of her.

Well, you would enjoy the Female Athletes from the Canadian Olympic delegation. They have been crushing the men this year; 20 medals, 15 coming from female athletes/teams. They are crushing the men hard

Airplanes are fucking gross. Have you been on one ever? I didn’t say the mother or the baby were gross. Delivering in a car or taxi is just as disgusting. This is not a controversial statement unless you are just looking to get mad at something. So how bout you get back to your cave asshole?

Damn that sounds amazing.

And again, multiple people addressed the fact that this is an edited television show. She is clearly not at remodeled houses every night. Even if she were, does the Bible not tell fathers to love and care for their children? God made the ultimate sacrifice of His own son. You don’t think Chip can get takeout for his

I don’t know Joanna Gaines any better than you do, but I do know Proverbs 31 and she strikes me as the personification of the verses about the hardworking and virtuous wife.

For me I look at it as the ultimate gift- an end to suffering in the arms of your loved one. My husband feels the same as you. He’s having a really difficult time. But I’d been home for six weeks (much of it without him) with my dog just watching her get worse and worse. The sad part for me was watching my dog unable

It has nothing to do with babies “starving.” As a matter of fact, I’m nursing my daughter right now (at home), but I have no qualms about nursing in public. I don’t use a cover, either (I’ve tried but she hates it and I’m not going to wrestle a baby who has my nipple in her mouth). And while sure, the baby CAN wait,

Potlucks are fine. Put people who can’t cook in charge of booze and it’s fine.

Uh, I got to #2 where she says that pre-made vegetable trays have their place at a kid’s softball game (which doesn’t even make sense bc most kids NEVER eat raw vegetables anyway), and that lady can fuck herself.