My cat answers to her name (‘Widget von Doom’), ‘the fluff’, ‘ms. fuzzybottoms’, ‘bratling’, ‘twitch’ and sometimes ‘rat bastard’
My cat answers to her name (‘Widget von Doom’), ‘the fluff’, ‘ms. fuzzybottoms’, ‘bratling’, ‘twitch’ and sometimes ‘rat bastard’
I like this. I have about a million “nicknames” for my cat that I like to call her while we are chilling out together. Her real name is Cleo, but because she’s a chubber I like to call her “Poubelle” (French for trash can), Cleofattra, Flab n’ Decker, Rotunda, etc.
I cut anyone who eats melons. I despise the smell of them. Otherwise, I’m very tolerant of other people’s eating preferences.
Yeah. It’s this weird intersection of black-and-white moralism with psychologically disordered eating in a socially acceptable guise that acts as a sort of gamma radiation to hulk these people out into total monsters.
I can’t wait for the movie-of-the-week based on her life, Sarah Plantain Tall.
The online vegan community sprang up because it’s logistically difficult to eat vegan for most people, so sharing tips, tricks, recipes, shortcuts, encouragement, etc. is important. A very vocal minority of people turned the encouragement part into a weird tribalism with extremely strict in- and out-group status based…
I have one of those. Strange suggestion— have you seen Forever 21 girls online? I know it sounds beyond awful, but it’s really cute stuff and not at all inappropriate. My daughter loves it and it’s really inexpensive.
I wonder how the Mr. Butt Trumpet will react when he sees all the transmen forced back into the women’s room with his daughter by this law. You know, because to him, transmen are actually women, no matter how masculine/butch/bearded some of them appear...
A friend of mine has a dad that was like this (Gave our entire group the “boys are bad” talk before homecoming one year. She was mortified). He really made me appreciate how cool my own dad is, for always treating me and my sister like smart, competent people instead of delicate flowers who need to be protected from…
Fun bet: The gross majority of those “protect mah wife/daughter!” butt-trumpets are neither married nor have daughters. They just like to have a convenient go-to, something to hang that gossamer-frail masculinity on. Think Of The Wimminz & Chillunz. It’s his manly duty. Finally, he’s got an outlet for all that…
And like ... are there going to be dudes lurking around the bathroom entrances judging who goes in? Because THAT’S not fucking creepy or anything! And frankly, if we had a “who looks more feminine, Janet Mock or many bells down?” contest, I would lose.
They know little boys get molested, too, right? And usually by men? So what are they doing about THAT bathroom issue? Right, nothing.
If I am in that washroom with my daughter we will fucking end that asshole. No lie. #freakflagfly
THIS is what our political discourse has come to? An ad about the bathroom?? Well, everything about this political cycle is in the crapper, so why not make the ceramic throne a campaign issue.
“Should a grown man pretending to be a woman be allowed to use the women’s restroom?”
Aaaand trans women live with that kind of terroristic threat every single day, for having the audacity to exist. That tweet is sickening.
Female rapists only exist when we’re trying to downplay rape culture, duh
Women say practical things like “but we have stalls in and I don’t care what goes on in the next one, as long as they don’t pee on the seat.”
first man i see go in a girls bathroom, that man will be using the bathroom through a straw in a hospital for a month.
I can imagine this being some sappy drama romance film starring Rachel McAdams and that Ensel Inglesnort where a young man meets a bright, independent, feisty lesbian who teaches him the real meaning of feminism love before he flunks out of school and loses a job at his father’s law office. I can see the trailer now...