My Name Breaks the Rules

If legislators care SO DAMN MUCH about black and brown babies, they could, you know, address the poverty, lack of educational opportunity, lack of parental leave and affordable childcare options, shitty sex ed and access to contraception and reproductive care, and myriad other factors that actually influence into

“Wait.... DON’T?”

I really bristle at “gay lifestyle” though. Gay people are not a monolith. Is there a “black lifestyle?” I have lots of gay friends and their lifestyles are as diverse as my straight friends’. One is a vagabond that packs up to find a new adventure every few months, one is a bit of a club rat hot mess, one couple is

If the whole thing you ‘disagree’ with is the mere idea of someone loving another person who is the same gender as them than yeah. You’re not respecting them at all.

I usually don't buy pricey lipsticks, but thanks to Sephora gc, I brought all the Urban Decay/Stefani lipsticks and liners. Anyone else try them? Love them?

These are the same people who think “Every Breath You Take” is a great wedding song.

LMAO I wish they’re from this imgur gallery making fun of Ice T’s lines on Law & Order and no matter how many times I read them, they never get old.

Karma Karma Karma Karma Karma Kardashian...

Despite his comments about at least two of his daughters (Tiffany here, the comments about Ivanka saying “If she weren’t my daughter...”), I actually don’t think he wants to have sex with his own children. Rather, I think he believes that the highest compliment you can give a woman is to call her fuckable. Which leads

You’re copy-pasting your bullshit fucking post and giving yourself stars for it.

So an example of how feminism sucks is that two sportscasters, who happened to be women, were immature about a mustache and were not disciplined (that we know of)? Whereas if two men talked about a woman’s hair they would be fired? Because I’m pretty sure mocking how women in the public sphere look is a national


I had hookworms as a kid. Tiny, white, wiggly worms that live in your butthole. I saw one sticking out of my poop one day and told my mom, who thought I was just being paranoid and told me to ignore it. Flash forward a few weeks later and it feels like my ass is full of broken glass. I go to take a dump, thinking it

Walk in carrying the cookies.

Eh whatever, it’s easy to miss. It’s like at the bottom and that article is probably two paragraphs longer than it should be anyway. In the end, I think we can just both agree that Andy Dick is a shit haha.

They didn’t leave it out. It’s in the second article I linked.

If for nothing else, I love him for beating the shit out of Andy Dick.

I keep running into copies of the Deep Blue Something album that had Breakfast at Tiffany’s on it. You literally can’t give it away.

I dismiss pretty much anyone’s opinion as soon as I see the use of “PC”. I no longer have any interest in what that person has to say because it indicates to me that they care less about actual human beings than about not being able to say whatever they want without criticism.

Hootie. Lots and lots of Hootie.