My Name Breaks the Rules

A kid who acts like a little shit

Damnit, I’m going to be that person...

Judy’s and Joni’s styles and vocal tonalities and ranges are very different, and loving music from both of them has enriched my life. Joni’s soaring, limber voice and her incandescent creativity are astonishing. They have both been lovely constants in my life for a long time, and yes, like you, listening to them made

And the dust. OMG the dust. You'd have to vacuum the wall!

Don’t even think about what else got trapped in those flowers. Walls in bathrooms need to be easily washable for many reasons.

Remember when Hildi glued fake flowers all over a bathroom wall? All I could think was how effing disgusting those flowers would be in about one month. Gross.

I don’t think the flowers were glued to they wall. They were stapled on there. Because we should take a bad idea and make it so much worse! That’s Hildi!

ewwwwwww, that sounds sooooo terrible and i thought i had erased it from my mind, but now it’s back thank you.

“Blah blah blah why would you send nudes if you don’t want people seeing them blah blah”

Oh wow, another misogynist woman-hating teenager who wants to murder women en masse because he was rejected by a female. This shit is getting real old. People - stop raising your boys to think that they are *owed* a woman. We are people, we have agency, we are NOT prizes that one can “win” by being nice or because you

Jesus kid get your nudes from the internet like the rest of us.

Philly is also where a hitchhiking robot that crossed both Germany and Canada successfully thanks to good samaritans got vandalized and wrecked.

Actually I am pretty sure that comments like hers—and I would call it transphobic rather than merely rude—legitimate the kind of hatred that motivate these murders. It’s not like there’s zero connected between mainstream society trashing a marginilized group, and people in that group getting murdered.

Oh man, I was just telling this story on another website this week ironically enough.

I’ve told this story somewhere here before and people were horrified, so here goes. Given where I live I have many, many horrible stories about bugs/spiders but this was the worst experience. I was walking out to my car at 6am to go to work, texting a friend of mine (hint, never text and walk), when I walked in to a

The government has nukes. How is a handgun going to help?

Fuck the second amendment. We don’t live in that era anymore. We’re capable of change as a nation. Slavery was protected in the original constitution and its amendments and articles, and we changed for that - we can and should change this too.

Hahahahaha, oh Brayden, darling, did you read that delightful new Bruce Williams column in the daily print out of the internet that one of our several butlers brought us this morning?

I’m sorry, that sounds an awful experience, but your Florence-Nightingale-esque flight attendants sound great. What airline were you on? It sounds like they might actually might deserve patronage.

Quick, Congress! Do nothing!