My Name Breaks the Rules

I’ve also heard from an event planner that real estate is notorious for the most hookups taking place at conferences.

I’ve heard that it helps sometimes if you don’t tell them it’s for a wedding, as they often charge a premium for such a thing. But I’m not an expert.

Aww, don’t worry. You didn’t, it’s okay. Kids at that age are scared of the most random things. Years ago, we were watching a Cirque du Soleil special on PBS and my younger daughter was horrified by the grown man dressed like a baby (made famous in the movie Knocked Up). She burst into tears every time he came on. But

My partner and I finally tried watching it not long after our first child was born. You can guess at which point we noped away to another channel.

I mean, at least Watership Down was an animated movie about rabbits. A very dark and disturbing one, but still. If this was prior to the age of Commonsense Media and Does the Dog Die? that might be a more forgiveable mistake. I still can’t get over where my parents’ friend got the idea that Trainspotting would be

Some people are just clueless. My parents once told me a story that my younger sister, who must have been six at the time, was having a playdate at a friend’s house when the mother decided to rent a movie for them (this was like 1993 maybe?) and she went and picked up Trainspotting. The clerk looked at the two little

Me too. Humiliate them and teach them a lesson about discretion.

There was a movie back In 1999 called Guinevere, and it was about this older artist guy who kept going through young women one after the other in some sort of twisted romantic apprenticeship. But the mom of his latest conquest said something quite wise:

Bummer. My dream of attending a cat show and petting a Cornish rex and/or Balinese is seeming less possible now.

Looked up the scene, and now I’m off to make a grilled cheese sandwich. Good thing I just blew $30 at the fancy cheese store.

Same here. Board games, puzzles, movies, baking. Reading- I loved reading to my kids and I’m sad my 9yo just reads by herself now. But my job is to get them the dolls and Lego. They can make up games by themselves, like I did.

Dude. I totally learned the Running Man from this episode back then.

In Canada, it’s paid out via our Employment Insurance, which is deducted from each paycheck. You apply for it, just like if you lose your job. We’re entitled to a year’s worth, the majority of which can be split between either parent.

I’m betting at least one of those kids was freebirthed.

Aww, second kitty looks like mine. she’s currently skulking around my feet under the desk.

I think Stamos was saying a little while back that he did approach Elizabeth, or at least intended to. But let’s be frank - it’s not like she needs some cheesy reunion show either.

Ugh, joyriding kids. Once when I was still living with my parents, a 15-year-old stole her mother’s brand new Suv and crashed it into the tree in our front yard. The car was totalled, but no one was hurt. Still, waking up in the middle of the night to squealing tires and a deafening crash right outside my house, and

I was just now thinking the same thing about Zilpha Keatley Snyder’s books and coming to the same infuriating conclusion. I loved Zilpha’s books and devoured as many as I could get. Once I’d exhausted the library’s collection, my parents figured it out and got me a whole stack of any others they could find (1989 or

Wow, congratulations Ms. Allen. Congratulations for managing to do the deputy county clerk version of a child who sticks their tongue out when forced to clean up their toys when they don’t want to.

I was in Spain on vacation when I had just stopped using birth control in preparation to try for my second child. I figured it would take a few months like the first time, so I took good advantage of the cheap wine while I was there. Lo and behold, I conceived right away, likely on a couch in Barcelona. She’s 7 now,