My Name Breaks the Rules

Glad to see I’m not the only one out there who loves that theme song. I didn’t even watch the show that much; I was a little too young and only caught it in reruns from time to time. But damn if that wasn’t an excellent tune.

Trouble Brewing.

This is the part that is setting off alarm foghorns in my mind. If it’s a ‘rescue’, why are there so many babies? It’s not like a domestic cat rescue, where there are plenty of cats who are brought in pregnant. There aren’t millions of tigers wandering the streets impregnating one another, and real rescues usually

Wait, I thought Richard Marx was married to his sweetheart from years ago...

Wow, you just put into words every reason why I kind of resent my Costco membership and don’t go that often.

I’m so sorry for your losses. But thanks for agreeing. I wish you the best.

Exactly. Both my pregnancies were fairly easy, but the process still kicked my ass, physically and mentally. Having kids of my own didn’t erode my pro-choice stance at all; if anything I felt even more strongly pro choice. Because anyone who thinks a woman should be forced to endure pregnancy, childbirth, and its

That’s more than I can say for the owner of the dance school I went to, who decided that a hooker number was in keeping with her “A Day at the Park” theme.

I wouldn’t worry about it. One of my daughter’s has a close friend named Ciamha and at six years old she knows how to pronounce and spell it just fine.

That’s what I’m thinking. I suspect “lying”, to her, is not telling untruths but actually, “saying things that contradict my (ignorant and xenophobic) worldview and/or that I don’t understand.”

I’m in Ottawa and ours are usually white, but often just barely with a few inches of snow. Nothing this year so far, and I find it unnerving. Like all my holiday decorations are up but I’m really not feeling it. My partner hates winter and things this is great, though.

Exactly. Early on in my recovery, when I was in bed at night, I would wind down by going over my day, step by step, reminding myself that I wasn’t completely dysfunctional: “I got out of bed. I got dressed and put makeup on. I made breakfast for my family. I caught the bus and went to work...” It helped silence the

I actually have some nursing bras that are still in great shape - fancy ones too like HotMilk. Really, I still have all my maternity clothes and should donate them.

Not Thanksgiving-related, but one day I went to one of the nearby delis to pick up some fruit salad to go with my lunch. I came across a bowl of what looked like a Waldorf-esque concoction, with chopped up apples and grapes and walnuts. Plus, it said “fruit salad”. It had what looked like some yogurt mixed in, which I

Most of them are and were genuinely bummed I was let go. It was management located in another city that made the decision, I think.

I had never seen this Vine before. I spent the next half hour learning all about it, and seeing many other versions. Know that you have spread its message to one more grateful person today. I recently lost my job and was not satisfied with the explanation I was given, and also I have young children. These lyrics are

I lost my job recently and as I look for something new, one of the silver linings has been making a serious dent in my sewing backlog. Christmas gifts! One child is getting a big box of Barbie clothes, and another is getting a custom Snuggie. I cleaned up my sewing room and it looks so lovely now.

Dame Edna’s Neighbourhood Watch was amazing. Her gag was incomparable.