My Name Breaks the Rules

Uuuuugh, Cherry Guy.

Hahaha this is exactly like a park that a friend and I used to meet up at to play when we were tweens. We argued and argued over whether the little wooden structure was an S or a 2 and it took us an embarrassingly long time to figure out that we were both right because we were coming from opposite directions. We then

You’d be far from the only one. Hope you’re okay.

As the matriarch of a dual income family, I would be seriously pissed if one of my kids’ teachers forced a 1-2 hour trip to a battlefield on me. My weekends are full of swimming lessons, chores, groceries and other engagements and I now have to waste half a day driving my kid some place totally out of the way? Oh hell

That’s it, really. Sadly, you’re probably right that this piece of garbage will be held up as more “evidence” that “movies about girl things don’t succeed”.

In Charlie Jane’s review she points out how at least the Transformers franchise, while stupid, resembled the source material and had a decent budget.

I see. I guess it’s somewhat unusual. I have a more traditional cap and saddle bicolour but my parents have an Arabian mau with similar markings to Hiro’s and I find her lack of eyebrows similarly compelling.

I’m guessing this cat was feeling not dissimilar to that other French kitty who stowed away on a small aircraft and wasn’t discovered until a flight lesson was underway. I think the story ran here back in June.

I love the look of your black (?) And white kitty. I love how the little cap doesn’t go to the eyes. I keep expecting your kitty to have eyebrows and that there aren’t any is adorable. Maybe I’m not doing a good job explaining why I think your cat is so cute, but I’m really hungry and words are not coming super easily

Now playing

All (very entertaining) joking aside, this catchy song by Blue Rodeo does a better job of explaining the “anyone but Harper” mentality.

“Thanks to Judy Collins (another favorite)“

Down to You. I mean, Court and Spark is a phenomenal work of art, but that song hits me in the gut. The part about, “pleasure moves on too early and trouble leaves too slow. ..” comes to me every time I’m having a hard time.

Dude, you’re right. She did staple them. That was one of the few episodes I actually saw and I was horrified.

Don’t forget the bathroom with silk flowers glued to the walls. The thought of all the mould ....

Let the disgusted gif party continue!

Air Canada. They’re certainly not perfect, but I’ve not really had any bad experiences.

Wow, that’s awful - way to not do your job, flight attendant. This story directly contrasts with my one airplane-barfing experience. I was flying to the Caribbean and about an hour or 90 minutes into the flight, I became violently ill with what I think was food poisoning. I had two flight attendants with me almost the

Large cardboard appliance box. I slipped climbing out of it when I was 7.

It was a bit traumatizing for me when I was 16, but I guess it was good prep for having kids. I’ve cleaned up tons of biohazardous stuff since then!

One time (and there were a few) that I had to clean up poop at the home, it was smeared all over the floor leading to the elevator (I’m assuming a wiping mishap meant they got a bunch on their shoe, but who knows).Most of the old folks sort of ignored me or just greeted me politely as they walked by and saw me