My Name Breaks the Rules

I remember the day I had to clean up a puddle of pee in the fabric store I worked at through university. About the only good thing was that I’d already spent a summer as a housekeeper in a retirement home so I’d cleaned up much worse at that point.

My first day of grade 8 I was determined to impress a boy who had never expressed any interest in me whatsoever, but hey. I had fixed up my makeup just so and spent half the morning with a waving iron on my hair. Finally, I was all decked out in my acid wash best- a whole skirt suit complete with peplum that it’d

Any connection to the Dallas Doo Doo Man?

I have a book on housekeeping that literally has detailed, illustrated instructions on how to sweep the floor. And change sheets. And lots else - it’s quite a thick volume.

That’s pretty much what I told that friend. Clearly this man had a type.

At my middle school there was a much-loved music teacher who molested young boys. A friend of mine was the one who finally spoke up, and when the charges were brought I was originally a circumstantial witness - I was supposed to walk home from school with the boy but the teacher went out of his way to get rid of me

I’ve already encountered it. Yesterday I read comments on another site from someone claiming that guys like Dr. Palmer are doing the poor black people in their little hut villages a real solid because lions who get close to humans are dangerous and the poor Africans don’t know how to defend themselves from them.

I don’t agree that there’s no point in going. Sure, you can’t linger and wander leisurely from room to room, but you can pick a couple of highlights, which is about what a (at the time) 4 year old and six year old can handle. With large places like that and kids, I have learned to compromise and make do with the time

Now playing

Not on the back of an amusement park ride.

There should be stations dispensing postage-paid envelopes like they have at bank machines so you can send them to someone who can.

Okay, so are shady practices at tourist attractions a thing in France? I ask because a few years ago we went to Paris and entered the Musee D’Orsay at 5:00pm, one hour before closing. Not ideal, but we had children with us and knew they wouldn’t be able to handle a long visit anyway. So at 5:30, they start announcing

I bet they’re not even dishwasher safe. Cutlery I can’t throw in the dishwasher can GTFO.

The video of the last cat (in the life jacket) is worth watching because the newscaster absolutely loses it during her reading. Like Anderson Cooper reading that Gerard Depardieu story.

That’s what I don’t get. No way am I ever touching something that gets that close to my cats’ buttholes.

The lady we adopted in February has advanced this tactic to an art form. Now she flops on her side and stretches out as long as she possibly can, lets me pet her tummy for ages, completely calm, and then, in a split second at completely random intervals, she grabs my hand in both paws and jams it into her mouth. I

Now playing

I’d like to dedicate a classic Stones tune to these guys:

It reminds me of a letter to Dan Savage I once read where someone hired a housecleaning service, only to have a couple show up. The man handed over a note that said something like, “this woman is my mistress and I am her slave, don’t talk to me, don’t look at me, I’m here to do your bidding” or something like that and

I lost 35 pounds when I was sick with depression and anxiety and many people who didn’t know commented on how svelte and good I looked. It was not healthy weight loss; I got that thin because there were repeated stretches where I felt so awful I could barely force myself to choke down some banana blended into greek

This is the real issue with fit and flare - it’s a trend, so it’s usually really crappily done - too short, usually cheap material, etc. Dresses that are made to look all sweet and retro but are too short and cheaply made look like shit most of the time and I’d never wear them.

Party like no one’s watching.