My Name Breaks the Rules

I think the worst screen-printed cake I ever saw was a birthday cake for Bindi Irwin that had her father's face printed on it. Yes, it was after. I don't know the inner workings of the family or anything, but I would have been so disturbed by that if it were me.

Was it a square one? I recall those were all the rage a number of years ago.

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Highly underrated track from his second album. I love this song:

Seriously. I actually wish I had seen that.

That one is pretty good but when I saw this yesterday my first thought was that these photos would have been far more impactful if attempts were made to recreate the hair and wardrobe as well.

Not sure why you shared this with me, but that Deadspin article made me laugh so hard I thought I was going to cry.

You know, I always feel bad when I overdo it on junk food. I haven't had a whole Mr. Big in a very long time, but I bet if I did I'd feel similar to how I typically do after I've finished a whole bag of Bugles (haven't done that in a while either). So I could see how a "fun size" one would be just the ticket.

I don't think they do. Does Eatmore even count? It's not chocolate, right? Just that tar stuff they use to fill cracks in the asphalt mixed with nuts or raisins or something.

My thoughts:

My husband worked as a swing manager at McDonald's years ago when he was in University. The restaurants he worked at had an unofficial policy that "managers did not get breaks." My husband would work the opening shift, from 5:30 to 1:30 although it was often more like 5:00 to 2:30 with no break. How fucked up is that?

They're silicone frozen pop moulds. I was somewhat interested in them, but then read reports that the lid can pop off and leak all over the lunches if you don't position the thing just like in the picture.

Wow, I guess not. I'm in Ontario, Canada and I don't think there's a single school, community center, daycare, whatever that allows nuts/peanuts in my city. There's even one particularly tightassed city (not mine) whose school board banned substitutes like wowbutter or sunbutter because less scrupulous people might

Peas, broccoli, green beans...but not cheese unless it's on pizza or tacos or in mac and cheese. I don't even like peas. I don't know, I just always fed her vegetables and she never minded. There are others she won't currently accept - like spinach, asparagus, squash. But my younger daughter will eat spinach from time

Oh, no. Don't tell me some kids never grow out of it.

Kids are weird. My oldest will not eat cheese or yogurt, but will eat cold pasta and peas. Yesterday I packed her leftover falafels and she ate them. But then she says she can't be tossed to peel a clementine - but a banana is okay. WTF?

ETA: You don't really have to tell me where. I realized just now that probably sounds doxxy.

Well, I'm scanning it for ideas right now. My girls can be kind of annoying about their lunches. Foods they normally eat at home are often not acceptable for lunch for some bizarre reason and they change what they like or don't like fairly regularly.

It's really the same basic concept, right? Except those bento galleries just make me feel inadequate because I never make my kid's lunches that pretty. Ain't nobody got time for that.

I never had those breadstick-cracker fake cheese things when I was a kid (I actually hated fake cheese spread as a kid), but it baffled me how many kids did (they also used to make a peanut butter variety but I'm assuming due to allergy concerns the market for those dropped like a stone). And I used to find their

It's been said that Lunchables stole the idea from mothers who had been doing the same damn thing better for years. Don't even get me started on Uncrustables.