My Name Breaks the Rules

The microwave in our office kitchen broke last week and it's been a pain in the ass, frankly. We have a toaster oven and while it's the far superior choice for heating up leftover pizza slices and quesadillas, it didn't work so well on my leftover kidney bean casserole or shrimp pasta.

Now, it's been more than five years since I last was pregnant, but my understanding of the risks around caffeine during pregnancy had nothing to do with birth defects anyway. I thought that, if you consumed a lot of caffeine, there was a slightly heightened risk of miscarriage in the first trimester - that's it. I

There is a classic story that our current Prime Minister agreed to be interviewed by Strombo years ago (before he was elected) thinking it was George Stefanopoulos (sorry if I got his name wrong) but then reneged when he realized he'd misunderstood.

I never had that issue, for whatever reason. But I could see that being a problem.

A few nice nursing tops and dresses were a fun splurge for me but they certainly were not a necessity. I'd get them out for special outings and such where I felt like being discreet. It wasn't so much about easy-access, I mean, you can really just lift up your shirt. Nursing clothing just lets you nurse the baby

I am mostly a vegetarian and I am absolutely not a hipster. I'm 37 with a regular job for which I wear business attire, I am married with two kids, live in the suburbs and I drive a minivan.

I know just what you mean (Veggie Patch is one of the brands I think?). The PC ones are the only ones that I find even close to edible. They're in Canada, don't know if you can find something elsewhere.

The PC Blue Menu frozen falafels are decent enough for me to keep on hand for a quick meal. But any other brand I've tried has sucked. Soggy, too spicy hot (I have never had hot and spicy falafel from a Middle Eastern restaurant, what the fuck?), yuck.

Sorry, I like falafels. But then I'm mostly vegetarian. I used to think they looked like owl pellets when I was a kid, but I enjoy them a great deal now. Especially smothered with hummus and tzatziki.

That is a really good point and it was made in the original article, that Karma just gave Raffiki to a family that would have otherwise adopted another dog that really needs a home. Way to help out homeless animals, Karma.

Where was all this colour at the actual awards ceremony? The dresses were mostly so neutral and with hardly any embellishment.

In our case it was just our wind-down routine. We'd watch something on TV in the dark in the family room, and then he'd put her on his chest and massage her, and she'd fall asleep. Then he'd put her in her cradle, whispering, "I have the best job ever."

I do remember with both babies in the delivery room, putting the baby to the breast for the first time and saying, "yep, yep! She's definitely latched. Can't miss that." It's pretty surprising to have a little tiny thing only a few minutes old have that kind of grip on you.

Everyone's experience is different. Mine swelled up for a few days when the milk came in because the tissues weren't used to it and they got irritated, but within a week my body figured it out they were back to a pretty normal size. They'd get a bit hard and swollen if I hadn't fed in a long time, but it was always

I know at least one person who just decided it wasn't for her. I think wanting to share the feeding experience is as good a reason as any other. My husband certainly cherished the times he got to feed my girls with a bottle of pumped milk but there are far more ways for daddies to bond with their babies than that, for

I'm vegetarian, so the ready-made stuff works fine for me.

I first learned about Hakarl when watching Lonely Planet years ago. The same episode the host tried Hakarl, some hunter in Greenland killed an elk and, upon slicing open its stomach, convinced him as a joke to try some of the partially-digested contents of its intestinal tract. In other words, poop. The guy did it.

Poutine is a once or twice a year treat for me. From some greasy chip wagon or something.

You're not alone. I've got the gene as well.