
Interesting - thanks!

The failed casinos always mystify me. How do you go bankrupt when the whole point of casinos is that in the end the house always wins?

She was such a lovely skater, too.

I will never forgive Gabrielle Giffords for shilling for him. Way to betray your party!

Glad you got through! I haven’t been able to. I sent emails, but I heard they don’t even read them. I have resorted to commenting on every FB post of his to vote no on DeVos, not that it will do any good. I also sent a long, thoughtful letter regarding PP funding, which I was told probably wound up in the garbage.

And that he does not believe in deference to the expertise of regulatory agencies.

As a friend of mine posted recently, many people did not survive Reagan - in particular, gay men.

Starred for “Dolt 45.”

One of my favorite films! I found out recently that the character of Comrade Yakushova is based on Alexandra Kollontai.

She was on it once! She talks to Mary on the phone.

The Husker Du version takes care of any melancholy feelings you may have while listening to it.

I didn’t realize my husband was a Deadspin commenter.

He’s also on the board of Philadelphia University.

I doubt it helps much, but at least it can be a bit of a filter and help watery eyes.

My husband was taken aback when I said I needed to find a bandanna/handkerchief in case of tear gas. Little did he know, I had been tear gassed before in Bloomington, IN in 1985. (Part of the anti apartheid rallies we had there back in the day.)

Well, it’s not so great for the employees trying to make a living.

I just finished reading “The Six” about the Mitford sisters, and I had the same feeling. I would add the rise of the fascist party in the UK had similar causes as well. At least they didn’t win there.

Yup - we’re “untermenschen.”

Thank you! Sometimes Hamilton’s ignorance really shocks me.
