
Yeah, I was hoping he would mention if you could take a doll there. Or have an affair.

Those suits are Brioni, which probably makes the people who work for the company cringe every time they see him.

It is annoying, isn’t it? I used to work with someone who went to high school with him. She once said “<eyeroll>I remember him when he went by Chris.”

Same here. I go to a different studio, but the bikes are largely the same. The only thing sticking out are the pedals. That being said, I can’t stand it when people leave during the cool down - always bumping into you while you’re trying to stretch.

Same here.

That last sentence is pure poetry.

I can attest that in my 49 years, the first time I heard someone pronounce it “cats-up” was when I moved to Philly 3 years ago. If you want a chuckle, ask a Philly native to say the word “water.”

He left about 3 years ago, but he still keeps in touch with folks there. Now I’m going to have to ask him who went to Singapore!

And according to my husband, he’s a very nice person. (Husband was a men’s manager at Bergdorf’s and got to meet a lot of designers. Rick Owens was his favorite.)

And now I’ll have that jingle in my head for the rest of the day.

I have had my Peggy for 2 1/2 years and except for the underside where the cats have scratched the hell out of it, it’s just fine. None of my buttons have come off, but sometimes they flip up as you’re sitting on it and dig into your leg.

Thank you for that last part. People need to know that HR is not there to protect you or look out for your interests. Their duty of loyalty is to the company. This was a lesson I wished I head learned much earlier in my career.

Yeah, I thought it was a weekday, too because I seem to recall I heard about it driving home from work. I do remember it was a spectacularly beautiful spring day where I lived because I had all my windows down.

Well, at least she didn’t inadvertently stab him in the head with a pair of scissors while trying to open the box. Poor Waldo Jeffries ...

Memories of the first week of 1L ...

We make your dreams come true!

I’m still mad at myself for teasing out my Madame Alexander Cinderella doll’s hair. No amount of brushing/smoothing fixed that!

I only wish they called out his surrogates and him more before the election.

I received a form email from his office yesterday saying he was voting for DeVos due to her 28 years of helping children and the fact that he agrees with her on school choice. Ugh!

Starred for “Billy Beer.” Wasn’t it supposed to have a vague peanut flavor?