
When I was still a librarian (back in the dark ages of the late 1990s-early 2000s,) the videos we bought were actually different from the ones you would purchase for home use. They were made to withstand more frequent use and were much more expensive. But try explaining that to the angry patron who couldn’t understand

Knitting is done with 2 needles. Crochet is done with a hook.

Because Pennsylvania was busy last weekend.

A former co-worker of mine was married to a Russian emigre whose family got out after WW2. They had been intelligentsia before the revolution, so it’s amazing that they lasted that long. Her husband and his Mom would always say about the emigres that came after the fall of the USS “they’re not Russians, they’re

She does! And not that 71 is necessarily a doddering old fogey, but her age would definitely be an issue in a campaign.

She would be 71 in 2020.

If you read the New Yorker profile of her from a few months ago, you will discover it is the latter.

This thread makes me miss my home state even more. I can’t wait for the day when I get to leave Pennsyltucky.

But I thought he was Pittypat? That’s Mrs. Merriweather & Mrs. Meade there.

Moved here 2 1/2 years ago and am continually amazed that the city that gave birth to this nation is full of so many very stupid people.

Went to college with someone involved in SCA - you are correct.