Go to Nintendo’s E3 sale, directly - they list Canadian prices, so I’d assume you could get it there: https://e3.nintendo.com/sale/
Go to Nintendo’s E3 sale, directly - they list Canadian prices, so I’d assume you could get it there: https://e3.nint…
You folks keep highlighting the Amazon deals on first-party Nintendo games (I assume because you get a cut?) without listing that Best Buy, etc., and Nintendo itself are running it at these same prices — mostly because Nintendo’s having a huge E3 sale on their eshop:
You folks keep highlighting the Amazon deals on first-party Nintendo games (I assume because you get a cut?) without…
FYI: Epic updated their FAQ here (https://www.epicgames.com/fortnite/en-US/faq) and for those of us who play the lovely hot mess that is Save The World:
Q: Will Save the World be coming to the Switch?
Did you play the first game? Little Easter Egg: They snuck this interaction between Sam, Liam, and Matt in the DLC — if you had Eder in your party:
If you haven’t, you should take a look at an episode or two of this season’s Critical Role. Mercer is the DM and does all these different voices for the various NPCs the group runs into. They’re all very talented, but doing the various NPC stuff means Mercer can show off his range on the fly.
I don’t know how much Kotaku has been following this game, but re: the companions: many of them are voiced by the cast of Critical Role. (CR’s a group of professional voice actors who stream their playthrough of DnD campaigns.)
I’ve noticed on previous Kotaku Splitscreen conversations that it sounds like you guys are playing on consoles; a lot of the nuances you talk about are simply not relevant (or are very tiny) on PC. I don’t think I’ve listened to Cecilia or Heather talk about it before (and I will when I get home!) but... are any of…
Yup, Canada has us beat so hard on this front.
Do that many people really use US Cellular? what.
I have a Corsair K90, love it. It also doesn’t have the rainbow LEDs (just blue), which I prefer. I got it a few years ago, so I’m certain they have a new updated model out. The G-keys on the side are very easy to set up with the included Corsair software.
Eh, it’ll die down; the PTR patch came out yesterday. When it comes out to the public release build, there’ll be a bit of a bump, but again... people play with new things, get bored, continue on.
I’m not someone who harps on GearScore — I think it was a mistake for that to be made public. A private score would have done the same gatekeeping. I think it incentivizes the wrong attitude; I’d rather people be more focused on how cohesive their gear is and how all the stats work together. There are people who will…
*cough* Blizzard actually tweaked the game slightly different for the various platforms, if various media reports are to believed. (Including this one.)
They should give people who bought Star Wars: Battlefront a discount on the new game — that content was paltry. I mean, they won’t, but they really should. Can’t see myself buying another one from them, otherwise — and I bought SW:B over 50% off.
Even some of the griefs are exactly the same:
My goodness, I have felt the exact same way while reading all these reviews.... made me feel like I must be going crazy or maybe the reviewers are too young to remember how impactful TF2 was when it came out (and it’s still going). Hardly any of them will mention TF2, and while OW has some nuanced differences (I love…
Though, I do favor this one a bit: