How did you manage to not post the best POTG everrrrr:
How did you manage to not post the best POTG everrrrr:
I own both the 3DS and Vita. 3DS has hundreds of hours of play on it. Vita has... 10? Most of the (significant) games on it are available on other platforms. The only outstanding game I can think of that is not is Severance. The Vita might have gotten maybe a few dozen more hours had I just not opted to buy a super…
I own both the 3DS and Vita. 3DS has hundreds of hours of play on it. Vita has... 10? Most of the (significant)…
My goodness, THANK YOU. So much easier to read without the interspersed green dots. I realize the new aesthetics is a work-in-progress, so I really appreciate that you read our feedback.
My goodness, THANK YOU. So much easier to read without the interspersed green dots. I realize the new aesthetics is…
This format... it’s something of a mess for the eye to scan.
This format... it’s something of a mess for the eye to scan.
Okay, I’ve been trying to adjust to your new format, but with all due respect... I vigorously dislike it. Deals.kinja became a lot less relevant to me when they stopped posting as many gaming deals and stopped making the daily gaming-specific post; I started using other sites for gaming deals, which are currently…
Okay, I’ve been trying to adjust to your new format, but with all due respect... I vigorously dislike it.…
Patrick, thank you so much for writing this out. And, all the kudos to women in the gaming public’s eye and in the gaming industry, who somehow put up with this. They shouldn’t have to and it’s not somehow a woman’s obligation to do so. [And, it is stupidly awful that, very frequently, victims — especially women and…
I love it.
Yeah. He probably wasn’t expecting his explanation to get so much visibility, but I think that lovely response just sold a bunch of units for them. Awesome.
The Fire Emblem series are games that kick me in my hubris every so often and then my pride hurts for a bit.
And I love it for it. I am not used to games being hard. (Honestly, when’s the last time you saw a game over screen in other games? Used to happen when I was a wee kiddo, playing on my NES — those games are…
No, it absolutely was. And, I did mine completely online.
Hey, you can try to debate reality with me, but uh, I have a tracking number and the physical copy of the Special Edition is going to be in my hands early next week — from a pre-order I put in online at weeks ago. That’s the bottom line.
Would you…
I missed the November pre-order window for Gamestop, Best Buy. Pre-ordered it from Walmart a few weeks ago — that window was open for a few days, at least.
If you want a special edition, you gotta pay attention, guys.
Actually, I’m finding a hard time finding this on their frontpage. Link?
Actually, I’m finding a hard time finding this on their frontpage. Link?
Is there a link to the general Amazon sale (vs. individual games) in this post that my brain is just missing?
Is there a link to the general Amazon sale (vs. individual games) in this post that my brain is just missing?
Origin is having a huge publisher sale. Surprised to see it absent from the list.
Origin is having a huge publisher sale. Surprised to see it absent from the list.
Google Waaaaaave
I’ve found this game to be highly entertaining! Which is great, but... a gaming career filled with FPS has me trained to ALWAYS aim first. I am not used to blind firing or from the hip, and weirdly, there are situations in The Division when you really ought to.
I’m about to get up on Final Fantasy Explorers as my handheld game, as soon as I finish my “being a responsible adult” chores. And, once I get bored of the DZ in The Division’s PC beta. I’m still getting through XBCX, but hoping to get it done before Fire Emblem Fates comes out, so I can focus on one, at a time.
Yes, this. A few days ago, a friend asked me where to start — she wanted to get through the Zelda games. I referenced the timeline on the Wikipedia page while I was formulating my answer. TriForce Heroes was already in the proper place there.