The 1 million+ current active players probably beg to differ, but don’t let us get between you and your obvious axe to grind.
The 1 million+ current active players probably beg to differ, but don’t let us get between you and your obvious axe to grind.
Fucked up how you want people to lose jobs because you don’t like a thing
“But the fact of the matter is GameFreak are kinda lazy devs that do a lot of bullshit that other devs cant get away with.”
we all must learn to like new things, for stagnation rots the brain.
How do you know one of the new Pokemon won’t become a favorite though? You’re throwing out an entire game because one Pokemon isn’t in it?
Keef has my favorite take on the subject:
Amen. I think 8-8.5/10 is accurate. The overworld pokemon are a fantastic change along with the wilds. I am excited to see how the meta turns out for this game.
This is an awfully privileged reply.
I still don’t know why some gamers are so hesitant to admit that this is an actual issue. I know quite a few. I am sure a majority of us know somebody with a form of digital addiction and gaming addiction is a subset of that. I had a former friend who feel into alcoholism due to gaming and its a path I’ve seen people…
This is an excellent article that talks about a real issue in a fair-handed and non hysterical fashion.
My cousin, who is ten years younger than me, got strongly addicted to World of Warcraft after my aunt died. I always felt partly responsible because I got him into it. He used to sit on my lap when he was like 8 and we’d make new characters and just run around starting zones. His home life was pretty bad. My aunt had…
its like its a team sport, or an amusement park ride, they cant wait to share the moment with you.
Honestly same. Especially older white people. I cringe whenever they come in and have a drink. I am afraid they are gonna say something stupid and piss me off and I am gonna lose my job. I have had to throw a few out and they seem shocked when I tell them to shut the eff up.
I’m surprised he was surprised. I’m white, and I pretty much expect every white person I meet to be both racist, and to assume that I am also racist. Because that is my experience living in both South Carolina and Texas. Maybe it’s different in other places, but those other places will have to prove me wrong. I don’t…
This is totally true.
I look 100% white, but my grandma was from Lebanon. My dad’s half Arabic, has brown skin/hair/eyes, etc... so does my brother, but I look like my mom: green eyes, reddish hair, white skin. We go through the same airport security line and they get harassed and I walk right on through.
It’s amazing…
Pretty much all racist white people just assume that every other white person - up to and including God, who is definitely white - is exactly as racist as they are.
Realize that for every decent person giving him a pat on the back, there's a good ol' boy putting a target on his back. And yes, as a black person you live with that every day, but this guy had to choose to step from safety into the line of fire. That's no small thing.