
But “Little Miss Can’t Be Wrong” is about Adam Levine.

What they need is to surround Stafford with better talent. Truly, with a top-3 offensive line, three top-5 wideouts, an all-pro running back and the number one defense in the NFL, Stafford could easily take the Lions to 10 wins.

True story,

Got a news alert today that DOJ is sending agents to my county, and I bet I could pinpoint exactly what neighborhoods they’ll be in.

shouldn’t this have a ‘REGICIDE’ tag

It’s filled with emergency P.F. Changs

(That the Red Wings, Sharks, and Capitals also have regular season conference champion banners in no way lessens the scorn that should be heaped upon Nashville for this, nor the scorn that should continue to be heaped upon those other teams.)

I have a boring commute. Still love my stick shift. Traffic and all. Gives me something to do.

Get up, everybody’s gonna move their feet.
Get down, everybody’s gonna leave their seat.


I hear they had to bring it over on a tugboat like frickin’ King Kong.

The car hobby is for everyone, not just those that can show up on Saturday at B-J with a Hawaiian shirt, a double cocktail, and trophy arm candy. This is a good reminder of that.

There is a Ford Escort in the Henry Ford Museum. They also have a original Ferrari Testa Rossa and Dan Gurney’s GT40

I am really tired of Buzzfit trying to get attention with kick-bait.

I can’t believe this Taiwanese baseball league is just going to act like the First Amendment doesn’t apply to them.

I got WaFrasier. Fight me. 

You got a pet. You got a responsibility. If your dog is lost, you don’t look for an hour then call it quits; you get your ass out there and you find that fucking dog!

Curious to know what the meat world is.

Now playing

maybe a little event-specific but SEND IT IN JEROME

Easy there edgelord...

Easy there edgelord...