
What’s the over/under on Hive continuing to get paid after the first occurance? (What’s the odds on Hive being paid at all?)

an assload of laxatives

I used to do work like this. we had a guy at the docks that would call when a container ship full of TV/VCR combos would come in, he would tell me what truck and what highway it was on

This is a little bit The Tesla of Thesius, but that last battery pack is really impressive.

Is there an outbreak of missiles being fired at FedEx planes that is not being reported?

These people are thieves, and probably thieves for an organized crime ring that is making bank on these stolen goods.

I should’ve stopped reading the first time Erin offered excuses for criminal behavior. But I kept reading and found more of it.

This weird apologist take is just bad. These people are thieves, stealing things from OTHER people who legitimately bought something despite the poor economy. This isn’t a stick-it-to-bezos thing. This is impacting folks like you and me who work to pay their bills, then get their hard-earned shit stolen by someone who

I mean, it’s not like I’m sitting on a pile of mail that I refuse to send out of spite.

You know, i just thought about something.

I am 100% on board with useless pieces of shit like these experiencing a mass die off, completely accept that my position is distasteful, and, further, don’t give a flying fuck about that because said pieces of shit are actively working to harm the health and welfare of others.

Set a higher corporate tax rate like everybody else and use the money to build out your grid. Turns out that corporations don’t give a shit about the places they hide their profits, who would have imagined that?

Where was he when there was a miles long Trump caravan on that same stretch of highway last year?

I lean towards it being the Honda’s fault, but that’s not the most important point. The semi driver is either malicious or incompetent for not noticing the car and pulling over. I can understand something behind the trailer being hard to see, but that car is definitely visible in the mirror. Should lose his CDL.

Now playing

“But they didn’t crash. Like they knew what they were doing, I guess?”

Not Americans. I’m honestly surprised.

I have in no way missed my coworkers in the past almost two years of working from home.

Seriously, the Titan deserves better than this.

I never want to see anyone on Jalopnik criticize Nissan ever again. They’re obviously doing something right.

Now in the cube, there were cables
And-and a lot of work to be done
An ugly place to see our connections
And-and now they won’t see a single one

Oh no, we gonna make our glass like Electric Avenue
And then we’ll charge it higher
Oh, we gonna make our glass like Electric Avenue
And then we’ll charge it higher