
From their observation, the RZ had a 0.28 second lag when sitting in one place.

Wake me up when it can do male on male stuff.

Airline maintenance is to blame, not Boeing.

I am a lead mechanical engineer for the company that manufactured the windows for this abomination (and we make the Orion’s windows). Fused silica thermal panes and polycarbonate-clad acrylic for the pressure panes, all with customer-supplied material. The fused silica came from a boule from the Space Shuttle days, so

Man this is just trying too hard. They seem to have fun in a very Gwar kind of way, but this is lame. 

They should have just called it “reverse-surge” and announced lower prices during their slower hours.

it got therapy

I have no reason to doubt the claim, but:

application and execution of an incorrect process used as we were expanding our network”

It’s giving “Swamp Gas” Synergy.

I see the obsession for pocket knives comes from them

I’ve always wondered, does a rice cooker with “hold” mode that allows you to keep it for several days prevent this problem? From what I have heard it is pretty heat resistant. Likewise, laying out a freshly cooked batch on a tray and sending straight into the fridge, would that eliminate the risk? It seems like one of

There is no Beverly, there is only Zuul.

Right? So much pearl clutching. 

Ghostbusters did it first.

Probably a book out there “How to Secure Grant Money”. Some chapter on finding a theory that sounds interesting for a pitch but is of zero value to society kind of thing.... Like the chicken before the egg scenario. 

That is, indeed, better than any other political ad I’ve ever seen.

Soul crushing maybe, but a solid way to justify the purchase, definitely. Being able to get rid of large monitors taking up a ton of space would be an amazing base case use for this and then getting to explore all the possibilities it might open, win win. 

How else can we live out our Spread Sheet hell dreams? 

As an accountant by trade, I want nothing more than to be able to almost literally immerse myself in the warm embrace of a ticked, tied, footed and cross-footed spreadsheet.