
The absolute best thing Metabook can do to increase adoption would be to get someone else, anyone else, to be the public face of the company.

Reached for comment, Google’s Sundar Pichai only had to say, “we’re bringing it back, baby!”

Corporations shouldn’t be allowed to buy single family houses.

Huh, usually Subway feels like the kind of place that sets up a divorce.

If you want to convert your library one direction or the other you can use Calibre plus the tools from the site below to convert your books.

ICBMs actually do go out into space, but not deep space.

FICO scores do nothing to perpetuate a wealth gap. People spending money that they don’t have perpetuates the wealth gap.

In general, removing a FICO score requirement should be celebrated because FICO scores are total scams that do nothing other than perpetuate the wealth gap in this country.

Right after the whistleblower? Come-on who hit the Killswitch?

Microsoft will eventually cave on the tpm requirement when people refuse to upgrade as fast as they want. Also, i thought you could hit ALT+F4 to bypass the onling login requirement?

They played a huge role in electing our last president and have contributed mightily to the current divisiveness of US politics. 

Sexism, at a company where the owner dressed up as a cowboy to ride a dick rocket to the edge of space for his own aggrandizement? Shocking!

And nothing of real value was lost.

Therein lies the rub; corporations have proven time-and-again to be not only ineffectual at policing themselves, but in doing so hurt their own stakeholders. Inversely, any action taken by the Federal government to stifle Hate Speech is inherently a violation of The Constitution and an attack on Free Speech.

Uh, that COO should be looking at jail time along with any other C level who knew about it. He impersonated a person from another company for financial gain, how is that not a crime?

This is a very interesting look at the chip shortage, but I think you’re giving the automakers too much leeway here.

Thanks for the pornographic engineering novel.

Sorry, not buying it. It does take time, money and investment to come up to speed- and that is something the carmakers don’t want to do.

I simply don’t agree with the “woke” temporal bigotry concept that it’s legitimate to judge historical people by norms alien to their time period and the society & culture in which they resided. It’s just another form of colonialism.

Dat mini-drift doe. Perhaps it saw the bystanders to the left and felt that was the appropriate course of action.