
Well, since it is called the drips, I guess technically that qualifies as a streaming service.

But just imagine the joy of dumping the old soil over the balcony railing onto who or whatever happens to be below. I think that’s a benefit that needs to be considered.

This review reads like an ad.

Faces of Meth

I find myself wondering if it would be better to crash from 20 miles up when the balloon pops, or from low earth orbit in a spacex capsule.

If these religious nuts would rather take their chances with Covid, i say let them. And good riddance to those who receive their Herman Cain Award.

No doubt pirates trying to steal that 2018 Nissan Versa Note.

The US seems to be a lot more discreet about its advanced weapons systems than other countries. I have a feeling there are several weapons systems that are secretly operational in the military’s arsenal.

Looks like you can reserve your own VinFast automobile for just $200. Or, you could throw $200 in the garbage and get the same result.

An improvement, really.

Lacking a local asian grocery I was hoping this would tell me how to do this from raw tofu. Sad noises.

Starship HLS will have oxygen/methane rockets around the middle for use near the Moon’s surface, so the main engines won’t be blasting any craters. Starship is about 160ft long so that would put the propulsion system about 80 feet from the landing surface. Just wanted to point that out.

What kind of allergy?

Some vassals did favor some of their serfs as benevolent overlords.

Yes thank you. I came here to say this thing is a recipe for ripping out unmarked pipes or flipping itself over when it grabs something it can’t pick up.

Now playing

And for your $2000 and risk to life and limb with this navigation system, this is what you could have been treated to.

How is Bitcoin any different from other scarcity based value pools, like precious metals? We operated out of that and it hamstrung economics for centuries, so I’m not clear on how knowing there can only ever be 21M bitcoins is beneficial, or offsets the other risks of hacking and other thefts, not to mention the

Does anyone still work at Jalop or Gizmodo? All these stories are old.

Dogs definitely seem to have an innate sense of death. We brought home each of our older dogs after their euthanasia, and our others came and sniffed them and paid their respects in their own way. Their mood was  definitely different for a long while afterward each time. None of them would sleep in our old dogs’ prefer

What are the odds that the climate rise we see is actually due to methane rather than CO2?