
People need to put down the almond milk. It’s terrible for the water situation in California.

These (faulty) facial scans are going to be the new “you have a broken taillight” reason for a policeman engaging you.

I’m just wondering where the water cannons and rubber bullets are. Any other group would get them.

Then we all get old and metafat and have metabetes.

These phones are beginning to trigger my trypophobia. 

Right? I have an original PixelBook that was EOL’d by Google for no real reason. It would run the current version of Chrome easily.

I don’t know if you can boot directly into it, but you can run Windows 11 for ARM through parallels. Even though it’s emulation on top of virtualization, Windows 11 ARM in this configuration runs x86 and x64 code pretty well, though not everything is supported or happy running in Microsoft’s x86/x64 emulator.

The recent $1 gas prices were a total anomaly caused by a lack of demand driven by covid’s economic impacts.

You mean this shitty service I’ve been getting isn’t enough to save the postal service enough money to operate efficiently?

I hope this is a throwback to the old Gizmodo property: Fleshbot.

I just assumed he misspelled sith.

David Ek might be out before Joe Rogan at this rate.

Weird how the grid survived 72Gw of demand this time but failed at 69Gw last year with no upgrades in capacity. It’s almost like someone told them to get  their shit together to not make the governor look so bad this time. They’ll get their profit though. These suppliers will surely inflict a surcharge for power in

I like how this troll wins either way, but fuck Truth Social and fuck Facebook.

Between this heist from Wormhole and the NFT scam from HitPiece, I really don’t think these cryptobros are on the up-and-up.

I really wish IBM had bought Facebook years ago so they could have let it die like all their acquisitions.

I kind of like the idea of Grogu being at the monastery when Kylo Ren killed the padawans, but his armor from the Mandalorian saved him from Ren’s light saber.

Ah, so the metaverse is going to be a facebook controlled Galt’s Gulch. That sounds about right. We already know that Facebook’s algorithms have identified conservatives and Qanon kooks as easy marks.

The recall was because they programmed the FSD mode with the ability to opt-in to “rolling stops” at stop signs. Sure, that’s how everyone actually drives, but I guess you can’t program your car to break the law on purpose without getting some heat from the NHTSA.

Those damn Chinese spying on me!! Oh, wait, this company is Israeli. Carry on.