
Looking forward to the coinbros and nftnits to rush in here and explain how we just don’t get it. “but,’s the thing”

Weird. I guess it comes down to the individual truck. My 2022 F150 auto start/stop is so smooth you don’t even notice it. I still turn it off when I remember because I think it’s lame.

Just cancel your Spotify membership and be done with it. I just cancelled our family plan. We’re already also paying for apple music, so what do i need to pour money into this shithole for.

Stories like this and the one today about xenotransplantation make me wish we could have some kind of absolutely off limits research colony where humans could pursue this kind of basic science advancement without worrying about it being destroyed by the vagaries of human politics, or at the very least, some repository

If you try these on someone who naturally uses these same tools without thinking about it, you will absolutely be seen as fake, manipulative, and lose credit with that person. It’s better to think about why these are useful in relating to others, and incorporating the why into your thinking rather than just using

I’m pleased to live in an era where “Director of Cardiac Xenotransplantation” is an actual position, and not a star trek one.

New in this update: unified single menu bar for all apps at the top of the screen. Settings app to be renamed “System Preferences.” Command line replaced with zsh shell. Explorer to be renamed “Locator.

I’m now wondering how much the lower center of gravity of the tractor stabilizes a trailer. Google says a semi-truck weighs between 10-25k pounds with a max combined weight of tractor and trailer being 80k pounds. Let’s assume you’re not going to move 60k tons of freight with a tractor that weighs less than 20k

These numbers are meaningless after the great purge.

I’m thinking something like this. Excuse the Q&D photoshop work. I give you Bronco Raptor Centaur!

If there’s a better metaphor America currently, I don’t know what it would be.

This is no doubt in case the train raiders of Los Angeles decide to go after bigger targets.

Maybe this Ott’s Famous Dressing? I found it recently and it sounds kind of like what you’re describing. It has horseradish in it that definitely hits a little different.

Is this post an elaborate trolling article? WTF. These people are thieves, and probably thieves for an organized crime ring that is making bank on these stolen goods.

This whole deal sounds suspicious. I believe this judge is due for re-election in 2022, so perhaps some spicy campaign donations were made.

Can we just admit that Google barely cares about anything other than the bare essentials of android and other main-line data gathering services? How many products and services that don’t serve that purpose have they promoted and given up on? Moving features from your primary device to your watch doesn’t really yield

This looks like the illegitimate love child of a Honda Ridgeline and a Chevy Avalanche, disappointing both its parents by choosing to be electric.

Please. You know Germans were snapping these up.


Now the coaches, too, can get in on the CTE action. Condiment traumatic encephalopathy.