
What kind of barrier is this? It looks like razor wire light.

I remember that being a fabled car, but I think I was still a bit too young to remember why. What was it about the Taurus of that time that had everybody buzzing?

My first car was a 95 2-door Chevy Blazer that had been rebuilt after an accident. Every time I cleaned it I found more broken glass in the many nooks and crannies of a 90's era GM barbie car plastic interior. There was always some bit of plastic rattling in the interior too, and I think that was just standard for GM

I just looked at these photos and got 2nd degree burns on my legs.

Money laundering.

Another question series is around about CDL. He clearly wasn’t qualified. Was the one he had legit? Who approved it if it was, and how? If it wasn’t why wasn’t the company checking their truckers’ licenses? There’s some dirty laundry somewhere in this story beyond this guy’s conviction. While I agree he should do some

You have to wonder how he acquired his CDL. Apparently, he doesn’t speak English, and he obviously didn’t know how to operate his truck. Was his CDL legit? Or was some trucking company hurting for drivers paying under the table to get drivers approved? There are many aspects of this that don’t make sense, and while I

I had a dream last night this telescope exploded on ascent.

I firmly believe someone affected is going to retire some judges.

Its fucking ludicrous that people are focusing on home and restaurant NG usage to decrease CO2 emissions. These are much more efficient than resistance heating, and until you can get rid of fossil fuel electrical generation these are actually saving emissions.

I have tried and tried to like android tablets. They’re always just hot garbage, thought it may be because they’re all from Samsung.

The real metric to track here is whether this setup will make you more or less likely to accidentally show you masturbating during your Zoom meeting.

Well, it doesn’t rain on Mars, and this is the Mars truck. Sorry for you poors stuck on Earth.

Would this work with flash carts? You know, for all those games you backed up in case of a fire in your game cabinet.

This is has been a pretty common structural design for warehouses and buildings that need large interior volumes for a while now. They’re built like this for speed and cost reduction because the exterior walls are prefabricated and lifted into place in sections, but obviously not the strongest buildings. It’s likely

Perhaps it actually was a bit of performance art, and the point was suffering.

I like that they just hand wave off the fact that an NFC chip is tiny and would have to be positioned and affixed to the paper very precisely. Sure you can save the NFC chip, but you’ll probably need loops and special adhesive to make your new printed keyboard work.

I don’t think you should just mail one to everybody, but you should be able to pull up to any Walgreens or CVS drive through, or go to Walmart and get one for free at any time. Yeah, you’ll have hypochondriacs getting one everyday, but you’ll also have people that feel bad checking themselves which should be the goal.

I think that was that incinerator in Denmark with the ski slope on top.

This piece of shit found the wrong protagonist in Handmaid’s Tale.