
Of course. Because the 5g microchips would be destroyed by stomach acids.

It’s time to severely regulate Facebook’s activities. It can have its place, but it has truly damaged society in multiple populations and countries. If it went away, nothing of value that couldn’t be replaced by other tools would be lost.

But who will the 2-minute hate be directed at? Elon Musk?

Out of curiosity, what are the locals concerns about the new plant? Most rural places I have been to in the south would love to have a huge source of jobs and income land in their lap.

Personally, I appreciate that this MX Keys Mini with the number pad and directional keys lopped off is the same price as the full size MX Keys keyboard.

It’s a shame businesses are so dependent on Facebook when we have a perfectly good internet where they could host their own sites with information, search engines to find them, and other services that could contain reviews. Facebook is a cancer that I hope one day joins MySpace in hell.

From this post, not only did I learn that the Avantime was an exercise in horrible everything, but also I realized every gate agent and flight attendant I’ve heard refer to rolling carry-on suitcases has incorrectly called them roller-boards instead of roll-aboards. It never occured to me that it didn’t make any sense.

I’m glad this is happening, but I wish it had gone to one of the platforms with deeper pockets.

That’s a pretty inconvenient location for a Kroger.

Is this lack of 24/7 operations at these ports due to agreements with the International Longshore Workers Union? I remember several strikes at the long beach port.

Our newest Herman Cain Award nominee is most deserving.

The Just-In-Time inventory deliveries are LATE.

Please terminate Facebook. It’s a cancer upon society.

Jesus. The proportions here are just awful.

Yes, liberals. That’s why all those liberals are running around believing people are stealing children and drinking their blood en masse, vaccines with 5g chips in them, jewish space lasers, non-existent voter fraud, the perpetually moving date of the reinstatement of a washed up president, staged mass shootings, etc.

You’re forgetting the part about Facebook using the psychographic profiles of users in conjunction with their algorithms to manipulate them into higher and higher levels of engagement, and the best way to do that is to either make them afraid or angry by showing them content that will trigger those responses.

Why can’t Republic of South Korea join this alliance, so that the acronym could be RAUUKUS?

A lot of them claim these people who died did so from side effects of the vacccine, and the ICUs are full for the same reason.  Nut jobs.

Blood in my Martian hellscape walls? It’s more likely than you think.

This is contactless.