
Get out.

Maybe two. It’s early yet, but the GFS is showing an even larger storm in the same area in 10 days. That’s pretty far out to rely on the model, but on the other hand it predicted Ida about that far out also.  Either way, the season is definitely heating up.

This is about the same price or less expensive than other alternatives in many very rural communities. Any reasonably usable service tier for Hughesnet is $100+ for crappy service. The same is true for Viasat. WISP and MVNO wireless services are also crappy, and similarly expensive.

You’re not really wrong. Because these people couldn’t be bothered to take any mitigation efforts, covid is now endemic in our population like the flu. Some years it’s going to kill a bunch of people, and some years fewer. Our peak ICU capacity has been driven by flu considerations, but now this will need to be added

For real. Who could have foreseen that hiring management mostly from old-space, cost+ contracting companies to build a new, private space company could have gone wrong? Certainly not Jeff Bezos, which just lends credence to the idea that the wealthy are no less prone to fuck-ups than anyone else, they just happen to

It fucking astounds me that people think this is the future of currency. It’s all the problems of traditional currency, with the added security issues of computer networks. A lot of the people bitching about fiat currency and buying gold are the same ones buying this garbage, but I guess nobody ever got rich without

This kind of mixup could happen with your lien financed vehicle also. Shitty accounting is shitty accounting.

I know this post is old, but my brother has a condition that causes double vision also. His solution is to just wear an eye path over his non-dominant eye. He says after a few minutes his brain filters out the view from the covered eye and he can more easily do things like you’re describing.

REO Motor Company eventually evolved in the “Nuclear Corporation of America” and then later into Nucor Steel, which is still around and the largest domestic producer of steel in the US.

It’s pretty rich that BO is criticizing the Starship design for having never flown to orbit and still being in design, when they can’t even deliver a working rocket engine or do a test flight of any kind.

Boston Dynamic’s ATLAS robot still mostly operates on scripted routines with some ability to auto-correct like when they shove it with a hockey stick. Now, if you swap its brains out with something like the Autopilot controls system that can learn and react, it becomes more interesting.

I don’t think DG should be lumped in with with Dollar Tree, or even Family Dollar. They don’t really sell $1 items; they’re just kind of small discount stores that belong to a large chain. Their prices, particularly for store brands are pretty similar to Walmart and the like, but they’re popping up everywhere. I live

I’m looking forward to men in trench coats with knock-off GPUs hung on the inside flashing me in the park.

Something like that might make those vehicles worth the $15k over MSRP dealers are charging for them at the moment. 

I think a more salient point for this than bags of lawn things are sheets of plywood. Most people who want to buy bags of lawn things OR sheets of plywood would be better served with just a small trailer. A sad, old prius can pull a 6x12 trailer with no problem up to 1600 pounds without sullying its questionable hatch.

I can’t wait for my local Hyundai dealer to try hawking this thing for $12k over MSRP.

If there’s no danger in taking a third booster, they should open it up for everyone to take if they want to. States have already started throwing away “expired” stocks. It would be better to use those for boosters than throw them in the garbage.

The weird thing to me about this is that if the shit hits the fan to the degree that you’d need to flee to NZ these people won’t be significantly wealthier than anyone else unless they’re stockpiling barterable goods.

We really need a campaign to demonize almond milk. It’s the most ridiculous waste of water in food. Drink something else.

Will this be used to screen iMessage content that isn’t saved to the photo library as well? There’s probably more opportunity for abusing the technology if they’re screening messages also.