
Conflating this with #metoo is trash. These guys are just assholes to everyone.

For a spinny hangover with nausea, the absolute best fix is Zofran. It’s by prescription, unfortunately, but next time you go to the doc ask for some. It’s great to have a little bit on hand, and works for any kind of nausea, from poor choices at the bar to poor choices at the sushi restaurant.

I have that DC15 animal as well from 2007 and it is a beast. If you have experienced a loss of performance over time with it, you can buy a replacement cyclone stack thing from ebay for about $50 bucks. It brought mine back to life. That and my refurbed D7 cordless take care of my our whole house needs.

This guys is crazy, but I think the point he was really failing to articulate is he didn’t want to spend 80 hours with his lawyer(s) going through this information to turn over. In a couple of the interviews he mentioned that the inquiry had already prompted bankruptcies over legal fees, and this guy doesn’t sound

The judge is Richard Leon, appointed by George W. Bush in 2001.

Utterly revolting. And true.

Somehow my brain rearranged this headline into “Uber driver kills, eats customer during delivery in Atlanta.” which as bad as the actual headline is, my interpretation was a lot more shocking.

NRA: ....
Russian Handlers: Please await instructions.
NRA: Standing By.

There’s even a documentary about this.

The atom is emitting photons which are even smaller than the atom. The wavelength (which determines color) of the photon is inversely proportional to the energy it carries. You don’t see the atom here, you see the photons it is emitting because it’s been excited.

Black Mirror Knows

Blah blah. And drinkers are responsible for a bump in traffic deaths on/after new years, the super bowl, labor day, memorial day, independence day, christmas, thanksgiving, easter, and thursdays.

That this thing didn’t explode in the boost phase is a triumph. Get off his dick. This launch system will still revolutionize heavy lift launches.

What IMAGE may look like today in its attempt to transmit.

If even then. I feel like the ghost of Steve Jobs would slap your hand away to avoid unsightly fingerprints on the display.

Holy shit, yes. I went into a CVS yesterday, and it was like going into a Blockbuster that happened to dispense questionably legal drugs.

This is a great way to discourage people from getting tested and treatment, which in turn is a great way to spread it around at an even faster rate. A reminder to the Price and Pence types: HIV is not a gay disease.

Considering the state of her father’s mental faculties, you may be right. Perhaps it runs in the family. I mean, for me, I would remember my mom forcing me to do something in pretty decent fidelity.

Whoever is responsible for this mistake will likely face greater consequences than anyone involved in the Equifax breach.

Is this glass bulletproof and able to withstand a vehicle impact? Asking for a friend...