
Sweet Jesus. This company needs to no longer exists. If corporations want to be treated like people, they should be subject to the death penalty

The difference between the US and NK is we can field these kinds of weapons and more on command. It’s not hit or miss, they will work and they will hit their target with near 100% accuracy.

If CNN’s side of the story is to be believed, they didn’t pressure the guy, they just contacted him for a statement, you know, because that’s what they do. Upon realizing that his crazy post history might be made public and connected to his real-life identity and have consequences, he apologized and deleted his

I agree. Where CNN went wrong here was in trying to be nice to the internet shitposter. They should have broadcast his identity far and wide because his apology was not really remorse for his words, it was simply remorse for being found out.

CNN didn’t say they would release his info if he didn’t behave. They said that they were refraining from doxing him in good faith on his apology for his crazy internet history, but that they might if he goes back on his word. That’s not really blackmail, that’s an agreement for detente.

Particulates from battles and fires, plus a temporary decline in economic activity.

If you have the time, just taking the classes to get your own real-estate license would be much cheaper than paying brokerage fees, about a $700 in SC. It’s not that complicated.

For me, the difference between Trump and Tim Cook is that Tim Cook is probably actually capable of running the country. Intelligent, methodical, and organized is vastly better than Trump. I also don’t think that Tim Cook has the kind of sleaze ball entanglements that Trump has, so I wouldn’t feel like the country was

The iMac Pro is a stop-gap solution to their lack of a flexible desktop machine while they build a new Mac Pro. Apple was caught with its pants down in the lack of updates for the trashcan Mac Pro. I have read that Steve Jobs left a road map for Apple before his passing, but I feel like we are seeing the results of

Hulu can go die in a fire. It’s the desperate attempt by legacy media to hold on to their old business model in the digital world. It’s over priced, inconvenient, and generally terrible.

Samsung has always done that. And you can be sure that once Bixby actually does “work,” it will be total garbage like most of their special features.

This is a huge bummer. I bought a Pebble Round for myself and my partner, and the glass faceplate popped off on both. I have been trying to get them to fix it for ages, and I guess I see why they have been dragging their feet.

This will most certainly brand me as a sexist, potentially racist piece of shit, but we HAVE to understand that men and women are wired differently on average. We’re just not made to do the same work in general. There are absolutely exceptional women in this market and they do amazing work, but the undeniable fact

That was just locker room talk.

The odds are good that he had sex with the older man with Zika, regardless of whatever he said. Reports of sexual transmission are voluntary, and this (Mormon) population is likely to not report 100%, especially for MSM considerations.

Yes, like that one. It’s more apparent if you look at both sides. It might not look that much different visually, but electrically the fake on the right is terrible. Apple’s charger is packed full of protection and switching circuitry which is missing on the fake, has larger and higher quality components, and includes

God, that book. Its glowing reviews were solely based on the reputation of its author. It was *NOT* a good book. The first two-thirds, for all their realistic science, was full of unrealistic human behaviors. The last third was almost like a prelude to an entirely different book. I would have given it a max of three

I want to see this actually fired. The rendering didn’t account for the spin imparted to the bullet by the rifling of the barrel. That spin should be transferred to the ball as well when the bullet impacts it, and if the ball is not weighted perfectly, it could go anywhere.

This is why we will give our drones strong AI in the end.

I’m not sure how this stuff would do on a highway as it actually is rather flexible, but it’s great for pedestrian walkways. It feels really good to walk on.