
Rather than ban drones, which wouldn’t work anyway because flying them was already in this situation, public safety aircraft and personnel should be equipped with net guns to disable drones that are hindering operations. It’s a simple, cost-effective way to clear the area for public safety aircraft to operate.

Could GEO be cleaned out by putting high-mass objects into highly eccentric polar orbits to disturb the orbits of space debris?

The hypothetical person in his penthouse might not notice a sway of 2-3 feet if he’s sitting in his living room. UNLESS he happens to look out the window and sees the motion relative to the stationary ground, OR the even more exaggerated motion relative to other swaying scrapers oscillating in their own periods.

Yaasssssss! Spotlight on OSX is my great enabler.

I had a conversation almost exactly like this recently. I don’t think it’s fair to claim that anyone is assuming that human activity is the ONLY cause of climate change. You’d be hard pressed to find anyone that says that the Earth doesn’t have climate cycles of warming and cooling. The real thing to argue about is

I’ve seen a few people say there’s no way he could connect to the plane except through wifi, but a couple of weeks ago when I plugged my phone in under my seat, without looking, to charge it nothing happened. I felt around under there to see if there was another USB port to try and realized that what I had actually

That’s what I was thinking too. It seems pretty silly to rely soley on GPS for target tracking. You really need to have a visual targeting system, like with maybe a strong IR source, to keep the camera on track. Sure that’s only line of sight, but it’s better than what it’s doing now. Use the GPS for the broad target

I prefer my Neato vacuums over my old, dead roombas any day of the week. They have a much better vacuum system, and they leave neat little tracks in my carpet that appeal to my OCD.

I have a BIG Jambox, but then I later got Sony SRX5 bluetooth speaker that just utterly destroys the Jambox on sound quality and volume. The thing has so much bass it feels weird to hold in your hand while it plays, and once it even vibrated itself off the table when I had it turned up a little too high.

I have a BIG Jambox, but then I later got Sony SRX5 bluetooth speaker that just utterly destroys the Jambox on sound

While mandatory voting might increase participation, I think a more impactful change would be new federal rules on redistricting by states. Gerrymandering by both sides in state legislatures have seriously endangered representative democracy in the US. The opportunity for gerrymandering to rig the national

Time for a Mophie case or a USB battery pack.

It seems like this should be pretty easy for Waze to detect and filter, unless the police are also making a lot of normal traffic reports as well. If the proportion of reports from a user about police locations is significatly higher than the average Waze user, and the reports are frequently not corroborated by other

All you guys going on about how this particular design is destined for failure, and how other car makers will beat Google to market are forgetting what this, and many other facets of modern tech companies, is truly about. It's about intellectual property and patents. This car they're building in Detroit was likely

Where's the charging port? It's possible that you might charge it through the USB Type-C port, but then you couldn't use any USB things while charging. This is a retarded rendering.

On my Windows 7 64-bit VM, even if I run IE11 from the 64-bit program files directory, it actually runs the 32-bit version from program files (x86). If you look in the task manager and click on processes, do you see iexplore.exe * 32? I believe by default on Windows 8.1 it uses the 64-bit process for Modern UI, and

Even if you are using 64-bit Windows, you are likely using the 32-bit version of Internet Explorer unless you started the 64-bit one on purpose. Most of the add-ins you would install in IE, especially for internal/corporate controls or add-ins, are going to be 32-bit. Those won't run in IE11 64-bit.

Let's be honest about MFT upgrades. The only reason we get major upgrades for prior year models is because the system was a disaster and consumers were in revolt, to the point that class action lawsuits were filed. The original plan was for minor bug fixes to be delivered through the website. Getting

Wow, that was surprisingly cool. That interior construction was way different from anything I have seen here in the states, and where I have lived that would have been called a condominium or similar. An apartment, where I have lived, is a temporary home where you don't make major changes and rely on the land lord

Anyone considering a Roomba should look into Neato. After my Roomba died, I picked up one of these and haven't looked back. The neato has a much better vacuum component, and with its laser range finder it will vacuum your carpet just as you would after a bump or two of speed leaving you with nice, neat, OCD

Anyone considering a Roomba should look into Neato. After my Roomba died, I picked up one of these and haven't

Do you have Sync with MyTouch, or Sync with MyFordTouch and the big touch screen of doom? I have Sync with MFT in my Edge, and let me just agree with prior comment that it is garbage. I have been railing about this POS since shortly after I got it. I will grant them that updates did improve it to the point that it