
I gave it a chance too. I still use it everyday, but I just find it to be a nuisance. The break in visual continuity when changing to new apps is really dumb when you're on a desktop with a lot of screen real estate. Also, if you happen to use this on a virtualized platform it's even worse because the landing zone

"You're wrong. You're just refusing to learn it, so it constantly feels 'foreign' to you. I use it all the time on my keyboard-and-mouse-only desktop, and it's functional and productive. Once you tweak configurations of course, and once you learn it obviously."

How the fuck does does an 18 person helicopter cost as much as a president special 747? How is that even possible? Is it made of gold?

One of the troubles with a touchscreen laptop vs. a tablet is that you can't rub off all the finger prints with sleeve of your jacket/shirt without putting it in an awkward angle or worrying about the less beefy backing of the screen. For me, touch is best suited to tablet style devices, and is better left off the

maybe i had a particularly strong ginger root, but zip lock bag inside a locking container did nothing to contain the contamination in my freezer lol. everything tasted like ginger including drinks made from the ice

I have to admit, I discounted your comment as soon as you said synergy. That is a word used exclusively by business-think groupies. It's a made up word, and a made up concept for the purpose of selling books. A real manager of people has no need for such things. A real manager needs only his innate empathy to

Sounds like the computer from ST: TNG.

This will make every exposed thing in your freezer taste like ginger.

Depending on the model SII, I have seen a lot where parts of the shiny bezel has flaked off and looks like shit. It wasn't really damage so much as poor material choice.

Hey Timmah, I don't disagree with you at all about the need for an air superiority fighter capability, but I do believe we have bet on the wrong horse with the F22. The design has been very problematic, and overly expensive. I think we should keep the ones we have now, but take the proposed investment in additional

I'm not sure how you can really criticize the effective screen resolution. I mean, if it's 13" and you put that many pixels in it you can either scale the content for smoothness, or you can show all the pixels in 1:1, tiny mode. What would you suggest they do if they put this high resolution display in the thing?

I'm sorry shinji, but that's just not true. The western digital black series is 2.5", 7200rpm, and 9.5mm tall.

I'm skeptical of the battery life.

I knew she was a Cylon. I knew it.

Yes, it will get updates. It's the same as what will be released in the store.

I think they'll be getting push back immediately from the business world. Window Server 2012 also has the Metro UI. There are going to be a lot of cranky sysadmins with bad blood toward Metro.

It will be extremely annoying when you try to hit the alt key, but hit the windows key by mistake and get a big purple kick to the face that stops what you're doing. Before, if you hit the windows key, the unobtrusive start menu would pop open, but not interrupt you. Metro is an attention whore.

I don't think it's intentionally unrepairable, aside from the screws but that's a minor hinderance. I think the lack of repairability is a consequence of ever tightening clearances while they chase slimmer designs. It's a byproduct of ridiculous component density. At some point, there's just no room for the space

I had one of those too. You were better off with it in the cab seat.