
I think the trouble with the full screen launcher is that it's showing me a whole lot of what I'm not looking for while I'm working on something else. There's more real estate, sure, but not much that I'm actually interested in interacting with. With the traditional start menu launcher, the continuity of my other

For me, the trouble is that if you're multitasking, and you need to open another program the start menu completely destroys all context. If I'm using a desktop application why in God's name do I need a fullscreen launcher?

The OS is final. It has been final for a while. Also, the Windows driver model has been pretty stable for quite if you're not talking about display drivers.

This tunnel is not underground. It's just a buoyant tube floating at 300ft below the surface and anchored to the sea floor. I could see this being built modularly, shipped out in sections, positioned, and sunk to the appropriate depth. I'm not saying it's realistic, but it's not quite boring from New York to London

That thing looks promising, but I can't figure out how you could plunge that thing down in the water without either displacing it, or leaving a lot of room on the edges that would end up leaving the ice connected on the sides. Maybe if you left channels in the plastic tube, but maybe that's what they mean by drafted

Make this thing curved, and we'll talk.