
seriously - can you imagine the art we’d get to have if someone gave the director’s chair and funding to the swathes of women looking to make a break out there?

Danielle - your story is so important. Thank you for sharing it.

my partner and i gave our kiddo a new last name combining letters in both of our names - don’t knock it! we’re also not married (and in an interracial relationship) - so have very different last names from each other.

from a parenting perspective - i wonder if imposing a mirror rule is going to make the mirror ‘a thing.’ my mother was super hippy and we generally had no rules growing up (about what we ate, watched, how we spent our time)... which worked for me and my brothers, but not for my lil’ sis who needed more structure.

maxine waters headbutting paul ryan would make up for everything that happened in 2017 so far. that is the new great hope.

yes! i cannot wait to watch season 2.

In Louisiana, the law stipulates that the mother’s maiden name must be used if unmarried, or the father’s surname if they are

Thanks! I will check it out.


My son is two, and I think about this constantly - he will be six in 2020.

i know the ‘jackie’ in don’t be cruel. she is awesome.

New Yorkers- are you calling to voice your opinion on this?

I did some research on this candidate, and he is anti-choice and anti-common sense gun laws. Which is a very hard thing to back.

looks like my letter-writing days are back.

I feel ashamed for not digging and finding this out myself - thank you for pointing it out.

this is hard to swallow, because it’s true. if we don’t accept it, then we will never fix it.

what a perfect meg! i am in love.

i haven’t seen her hacked website (and i won’t go looking for it). but i DID see her kill it in ghostbusters this summer, and plan to see it again on tuesday as a show of support.

in turn, can we also pass a law that bans people from waving burgers in front of vegetarians faces and saying, ‘mmmm, meat!’ ? because this has happened to me no less than ten times in my life. mostly by my own family, who i’d hate to see jailed, but c’mon people.

Could the whole ‘seasons’ thing at the beginning refer to the WEIRD fact that seasons are completely bonkers in Stars Hollow?