
also, ‘it didn’t happen to me, so I support him!’ is so, so terribly weak and cowardly.

Between big wins from Hamilton and The Color Purple, was this a banner year for the Tony Awards looking a little less white? I don’t know much about Broadway other than going to shows - but am hoping this represents positive change.

“Anyone who shares a dissenting opinion about feminism is absolutely slaughtered in the media, on the web, at work, at home, and in life.”

We went radical - didn’t get married, and our kid has a combo name (from letters of both names). I’m sure there will be many headaches to come from these choices, but I quite like them.

Not sure why that would be a puzzle. In most cases, a woman’s father constitutes half her DNA - it’s not an arbitrary name. It is her name.

He Mr. Collins-ed you. Plain and simple.