
In partnership with the Department of Labor, all schoolchildren will have their choice of a wide array of menu items from Carl’s, Jr. and Hardee’s.

dumber than this response?

1. Give a bunch of right wing greedwhore theocrats full power.

This. The false equivalencies this cycle were amazing.

I voted for him because I felt that he would do an absolutely terrible job and would alienate the republican base so badly that it had no choice but to face facts and accept that conservative economic models do not help them.

I am so pissed, because NORTH CAROLINA IS FULL OF LIBERALS AND PROGRESSIVES. I mean, there are TONS of them. Which is why it’s gerrymandered to shit. THEY ARE GREAT PEOPLE WHO DON’T DESERVE THIS.

I suspect that that’s what this entire thing is about, secretly. At least for the GOP. They get to make a big fuss over repealing the anti-LGBT rights part while keeping the minimum wage provision intact, with nary a peep from anyone. That’s my tinfoil hat theory, anyway.

This seems to gloss over a few things. The state lawmakers were crying alligator tears over the provisions that Charlotte kept, despite previous assurances that all they wanted was for the LGBT protections removed. So, Charlotte removed them.

Excellent demonstration of the one thing to really remember and stick to when you’re pulled over: be white.

OK.. this is NOT Comcast.. it’s a subcontractor with the comcast logo on the side - jeez.

Wow...Why did I know all the words to that song...


That is....actually really fucking scary. Years of election statistics tell us that people simply. do. not. vote. that. way. I’ve been pretty quiet about things like petitioning the Electoral College to just pick Hillary because I think it actually undermines our democracy. But I have not been able to shake the

This is important and needs to come out of the greys. I wish i had that power.

I know this will never make it out of the greys, but the Civitas Institute is way more than just a “conservative group.” Besides being the main think tank behind most of the abhorrent legislation in NC, they also like to harass academics/others who question the republican party in North Carolina. They’re absolutely

Did I say we didn’t? The point is that this election wasn’t some sort of massive rebuke to Clinton or the Democrats.

I think we should remember a couple of things:

Here’s the thing though. Democrats did. I reposted this all over the place today, but it bears repeating.

While I like Green Day (Basket Case IS my life in song), not punk by a CBGB hallway length.

Is there a reason you don’t mention the price in the article?

Is there a reason you don’t mention the price in the article?