
All I’m sayin’ yo.

Her mother is Thai; her father, however, is an American who can directly trace his lineage back to a soldier in the Revolutionary war.

That Wikipedia is also an amazing thing. I had no idea who this woman was before this asshole who lies about his own military background insulted her. However, now I know SHE LOST BOTH OF HER LEGS SERVING IN IRAQ.

You know, I went and looked it up!

This is what they were charged with:

I understand being undecided between voting for an independent candidate whose opinions align more with your own and one of the people who actually have a chance to win but you don’t agree with so much. I DO NOT EVEN KINDA GET not having a preference between Trump and Hillary at this point.

I... actually agree with all of this.

Inside Llewyn Davis? Lost in Translation? What? Are they out of their minds? ILD is not even in the top 5 best Coen movies. It’s not even that good, really.

*picture not from Charlotte, but point still stands

That’s kind of the point. Kelly Johnson builds the A-12 mostly out of titanium. He has to invent ways to fabricate titanium. He puts a shock cone in front of the turbojet to turn it into a turbo/ram jet. The Sovs on the other hand throw two huge turbojets together and build the airframe mostly out of steel.

Pretty sure Tomi Lahren is a horcrux containing a portion of Phyllis Schlafly’s soul.

I live in a rural area. Finding any Pokémon to begin with is a chore.

Watching this it just dawned on me “can you image grandpa blaming FDR or IKE for being attacked during the Battle Of The Bulge?”

“Hi. I work at the BBC and my job is to vet our top presenters to make sure they don’t embarrass the station” said no one ever?

That trophy is as evasive to Messi as Messi is to taxes.

Bradley turned the ball over so much he may as well have put on an Argentina jersey. He looked terrified out there.

Wondo’s mom brings the orange slices for halftime sooooo

This has happened to me a few times (on startup and on shut down). It’s the Schrödinger’s Cat of transmissions; Until I lift off the brake, P and R remain entangled. Heavy stuff.

If only there were a presidential candidate we could’ve nominated who had this as a huge part of his platform...