It seems to me that with the exception of the AC electricals, they simply left out everything else that would have to comply with any standard. No gas fitting for example (which I could probably live with, I prefer to cook outside). Given there’s no battery/solar, I’d guess that there’s nothing terribly complex about…
This is a Wheeze car.
100%. Phone batteries don’t do well with being left in the car too long. Continuing to use (and especially charge) it after it’s literally been set on fire is just asking for another fire. If the battery on that model is replaceable, I would buy a new one immediately. I wouldn’t even have it checked.
David, take your phone to a cell phone repair shop and have them check the internals.
Maybe they’re actually a couple? 🤷♂️
Of course, copyright holders are required to defend their properties
If he didn’t want to be groped, he shouldn’t have been wearing that hat.
I’m just telling you how it is, no artifice or bullshit.
The ZDX was just kinda quirky..I honestly didn’t even look at the dealership though.
That is a rare thing to see in a forum like this. Good for you.
Dan, I apologize for the other jalops who twisted the whole meaning of this fun “what should I buy” into a judgement on your entire life, character, and financial situation based on zero information.
Jesus man. What a judgement to make on literally zero info.
God the purpose of these comments is to think of cars for this guy. His budget is provided, no one here knows all of the ins and outs of said guy’s financial situation. It makes no sense to argue about what his budget is. What kind of car should he buy with the given budget is the question. “Buy a 30 year old toyota…
I’ll admit I’m not fond of my post or the statements in it.
But what about your lack of savings? You should have a minimum 3 months of living expenses in savings at all times... ideally 6 months in case the layoff scenario happens again.
Divorce? Who fucking cares? The whole premise of the post is what you can buy for $20K, not what you can buy for $5K,thereby saving $15K in imaginary (to us,anyway) money.
Hi. Dan, here.
Kids and 40 miles a day means no true beater,which might not work for his job anyway. Your options are a lot broader at $20 than $10 or $15. And it’s what? $100-$150 a month different?