
That’s the Victorian interpretation (and the source of the word “pornography,” which literally meant ‘advertising for prostitution’). Victorian archaeologists were so aghast at the open exhibition of sexuality Pompeiian art that they decided it all had to do with brothels. They even went so far as to destructively

Don’t worry, Durham has a couple of 12'0", 11'8", 11'4" and 11'0" bridges along the same railway right of way. They regularly eat trucks. (And we have exploding garbage trucks, too.)

ETA: Kinja totally mangled those links when pasted in nicely.

Hi, Sheev, here is your Cortana daily briefing. Have a great Taungsday:

David, take your phone to a cell phone repair shop and have them check the internals.

My first car was a 1965 Ford Mustang. In 1965, passenger mirrors, seat belts, a tachometer, and reverse lights were optional. My car had none of them when it was bought from the dealer.

Now playing

I think it was touched on in this fan film.

Laris’ Irish accent is easily explained in-universe: she’s speaking English, having learned from someone who grew up in Ireland. It’s no different than a non-native English speaker who learned English in the UK and therefore speaks with a British accent.

They did. It’s even linked in the article you just replied to.

You and the NC GOP should get together.

They confirmed that he still needs to perfect that system:

Not really. In late 1977, in what is known as the “Cincinnati Coup,” a group of highly-reactionary members ousted then-NRA EVP Maj. Gen. Maxwell Rich (ret.), who was planning to move the NRA to Colorado and effectively cease political involvement by the group. For 106 years, the NRA had been focused on marksmanship


Circling back to let you know I ended up taking your advice and bought a 2012 Prius V Five, yesterday. (I’d been borrowing a friend’s ancient Civic and had planned to hold onto that through August, when I’ll have my debts wiped out, but it’s cooling system died — I swear I don’t chew on the hoses or anything).

“We are a family-owned business, a family-led business, and we are married to our first wives…”

I don’t trust the E39 540i/6 — it’s stranded me too many times — and I’ve spent far too much of my own time fixing it, over the past eight years of ownership. (My prior E24 was rock-solid, save for an intermittent MAF failure that took forever to figure out.)

I’d thought about it — the 540i/6 runs, now, but I still don’t trust it not to strand me — but I think buying an aging 16+ year old luxury car loaded with electronics is simply asking for trouble.

Thanks, other than trying to model healthy relationships (and self-worth) for my kids, I’m really big on teaching them the lesson of “it’s really easy to say something nasty to an anonymous person on the interwebs, but that doesn’t mean you should.”

Dan here.

Who said that I didn’t contest the matter with the NC Employment Security Commission?