
Not tailgating like an idiot might have saved the second car in the GIF (probably trying to menace the car in front of him/her because it’s going 0.5 mph slower than they are.)

Now playing

I believe the reason for putting the toes on the brake and the heel onto the accelerator is that you don’t need fine control of the accelerator. The technique (in a racecar anyway) is designed to eliminate engine braking while changing down when you are at the limit of adhesion in the braking phase.

I’ve always thought that you needed better brake feel than throttle feel. Throttle blip is just a matter of time. You mash it all the way down until the revs are where you need them. Brake is a matter of degree, you need the pedal down right to the lock-up threshhold. Maybe it’s a bit different for cars with ABS (my

A strong argument for the people who believe that white people shouldn’t say “woke”?

Action has resumed. Here is a recent picture:

Sorry to nerd it up here with an english police infraction, but I think you may have meant “white elephant” instead of your “white whale”... i.e., something more burdensome than its supposed worth v. an object of suicidal fixation

It’s rather interesting that 33rd place made $73,000 more than 6th place!

Sarah Connor(s)?

Love Rachel Dratch, hate Elfman..

That was all I could think when I saw Jenna Elfman. Scientologist in the show? Hard pass.

You need a subcategory for “number of Scientologists in primary cast.”

Had the WORST experience with this model. Garbage with pet hair, typical cleaning was horrible.

Had the WORST experience with this model. Garbage with pet hair, typical cleaning was horrible.

Note that he’s passing someone on the right, and there’s no reason to believe the person in the left lane was driving too slowly for the passing lane. There was someone ahead of them passing the van.

Yeah, he was coming up pretty quickly on that van... I bet he hydroplaned because he applied too much brake pressure - tire tread can’t do it’s job if it’s not rotating fast enough. People don’t understand that your stopping distance is greatly increased when the road is that wet - it’s not how fast you’re going, it’s

Seriously. And with his family in the car, too. Doing that and then bragging about doing it is some real next-level stupidity. (And praising him for it is a whole other flavor of stupidity.)

Exactly. Unless you hyrdoplane on a curve, there’s no reason you should lose control travelling in a straight line.

Too bad he blew it and initiated the skid himself. He clearly hydroplaned, turned the wheel in a panic, and when he regained traction the car jerked over and into the slide.

because the computers saved him not his driving. He had no power after the computers cut it. He didn’t make it worse maybe even did some good. We really can’t tell how much oppo lock he was using because that makes a difference saving a skid as well.

Im led to believe that the picture above is of Hannelore Schmatz, "sat up against her pack" although the build looks like that of a man..if anyone know s for sure I would really appreciate your reply as i have seen this picture often and wondered who it could be!

That's not Mallory. That's a much more recent corpse.