
In 1964, North American did propose a further modification of the X-15, incorporating the lengthened fuselage of the X-15A-2 and a delta wing. Launched atop a Titan III or an XB-70 Valkyrie, it would have provided an orbital capability.

Few realize that the final flight of the modified X-15A-2 (the program's 188th flight; October 3, 1967), the aircraft carried a dummy scramjet on the lower stabilizer. Unfortunately, the Mach 6.7 airflow impinging on the fin caused the structure to burn-through and the scramjet to fall off, in flight.

Hasn't aged a day, since 1956, so far as I can tell.

They'll check the limit and deny you — typically, a car rental results in a $1,000-2,000 hold placed on the card, until the car is returned, which is why you can't rent using a debit card, at most places.

I don't think there's a rental place on Earth that'll hand you the keys without a credit card, these days.

It makes perfect sense, actually, since horses are farm animals.


That's mainly because there's a hundred easy ways for an otherwise healthy horse to die, or injure themselves severely enough to require euthanasia, most of them related to improper care and/or stress. (Horses, as illogical as it may seem, are 'prey' animals and generally have heightened sensitivity to stress.)

I was referring to his stint in bodybuilding (which I, truthfully, have no idea when he stopped).

I was referring to the falling-out between Shelbyville Manhattan and Jebidiah Springfield.

He's 65. He tanned professionally from age 15 to 30 (at least). And he's vain.

Still doesn't make-up for the fact that you can't marry your cousin.

What's really going to bake your noodle, later on, is this: there is no kangaroo.

I assume that, immediately after that photo was taken, they both looked at the camera, eyes as wide as saucers, held up a sign that read "help," and, then, the car fell on them, resulting in them both making an accordion sound.

The July 18, 1988 cover is an especially claim to stake, given that Discovery's STS-26R Return-to-Flight mission had been experiencing myriad delays and would not launch for another three months.

Hungarian water polo teams are known for their attacks…

Because, not only would they be creating Super Athletes, but Super STDs.

Nope. No advertising in the stadia, venues, or other competition areas.

How about her "Olympics in Britain -> Bond. James Bond. -> Ursula Andress (mention of Swedish-ness = international angle) -> Bikini designers -> Aston Martin commercial" piece?

I think, if NASA were fueling rockets with substances that didn't burn well, we'd have a fundamental issue with the agency.