Short version: it wasn't even their car.
Short version: it wasn't even their car.
Stand back... I command you, stand back!
Easy peasy.
The wibbly-wobbly-timey-wimey explanation is that the presence of two or more instances of the same being at a single time and place "shorts-out the time differential between themselves."
It does not.
Technora Corporation is already working on it, from what I've heard.
I'm pretty sure that Sonya Gomez was intended to be a love interest… until, two episodes later, the producers booted her from Starfleet and she had to go back to earning a living as a 3-breasted hooker on "Mahhz."
If the big hole in the photo is an entrance wound, why is there blood all over it?
I have never, in my life, been more embarrassed than when I had to greet Senator Daniel Inouye and reflexively offered my right hand for a handshake. There was a moment that only lasted 3 seconds, but felt like an eternity, wherein I tried to present my left hand and he tried to shake my right as I withdrew.
This video always bugged me… principally, because, in my mind, the "hero" resembles Terak from Ewoks: Battle for Endor… and regardless of what George Lucas says about his films being made for children, watching anyone — even an evil, genocidal space tyrant — burn to death is traumatic, especially when you're 6 years…
So, if I read this correctly, one possible explanation is that the expansion a group of Type III Kardashians have occluded a group of otherwise normal stars…
That's not the "Million Man March" (which took place in 1995), it's the "March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom" (aka "The Great March on Washington"), which took place in August 1963 and was where Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered his speech, "I Have A Dream."
Before I finally shelled-out for my first pair of race boots, I used to run HPDEs in 'indoor soccer' shoes — which basically have the same thin gum rubber sole as a pair of Chucks.
Pedal position can be modified (with an extension, a blowtorch, or a hammer, if need be); the sensitive portions of your foot cannot.
The graphic is incorrect.
Why, in God's name, would we ever want to speak Dolphin!? We'd probably turn all pudgy, fat and doughy, like blobbo, here… want some cake, fatty?
I must know… how can Tony Gilham afford his rock 'n roll lifestyle?
OWC tends to be very pricey for their in-house brand items.
Number 2 is the only one that will fit… if you have the optional Ho-bag rear seat pass-through.
Here's a z-pinch undergoing a field test…