I see that Gawker Media has read Kevin Rose's How to Lose Your Site's Traffic in 10 Days.
I see that Gawker Media has read Kevin Rose's How to Lose Your Site's Traffic in 10 Days.
Dr. Kiviat is flabbergasted.
Dude, the mirror-ball universe is just so much more pfunkadelic .
When I read "The GM Plant that Refuses to Die" all I could think was: "but they're still willing to tap?"
Amongst our weaponry are such diverse elements as: fear, surprise, ruthless efficiency, an almost fanatical devotion to the Ottawa Citizen, and nice red uniforms…
Do they split cab fare with the flat-earth guys?
The radome on that Indian A-50EI was made by Israeli Aircraft Industries.
The stereograph is in black and white (or sepiatone). The raw color of the copper cladding was much more golden than the 'aged bronze' appearance that resulted from the image being printed with too-much contrast, to emphasize the torch.
Actually, the appearance of the patina, beginning in 1906, caused concern that the Statue was corroding (it wasn't), leading to a Congressional mandate that the Statue be painted, inside and out. Only after a near-riot broke-out, did Congress settle for painting only in the inside (which did cause damage).
What's the point? Mr. Loblaw no longer works for us because someone wanted a boyfriend.
Okay, I'm going to stop you right there… his name is Gary and we don't need any more lawsuits…
Nahk! Nahk!
I've never used it — it was just the most interesting Google Image "duct tape" result that was SFW. (#lotsofboobies)
Am I the only one who looked at that photo and, at first, mistook it for a 'Second Life' screencap?
Duct tape just kicked-in, yo.
You beat me to posting that image.
My profile pic, for one… and this teaser on flickr… there's more on my website, in the SpecE30 section…