Conceptually interesting, but I wouldn't be too proud of this photoshopped terror she's constructed. Oil painting filters and copied-and-pasted promotional photos are no match for perspective issues and bizarre geometry.
Conceptually interesting, but I wouldn't be too proud of this photoshopped terror she's constructed. Oil painting filters and copied-and-pasted promotional photos are no match for perspective issues and bizarre geometry.
I tried doing this at home, but all the little holes let the water out, the fish were cooked and now my dodeca-core MP won't boot.
The helicopter crashed due to what's known as settling with power (aka vortex ring state). Generally, this mostly happens when a chopper is at a higher altitude and hovering out of ground effect (OGE).
The entire point of the NGA (neé NIMA) is to build specialty intelligence products based on imagery, radarsat and geolocation data.
The NGA used to have a much more sensible name — the National Imagery and Mapping Agency, but when the Bush Administration reorganized the intelligence agencies under the new Director of National Intelligence, they decided that NIMA needed a three-letter acronym, hence: NGA.
Not at all.
Actually, the USPS is going bankrupt because the GOP congress demanded that they fully-fund the next 75-years' worth of retirement benefits within a 5-year timeframe (the previous standard was to fund the next 30-years' worth), while simultaneously refusing to allow them to raise stamp prices to cover anything more…
Well, first, Kickstarter has to review and approve the project — which means it has to have some merit and it has to be finite (unlike some other crowdfunding sites, you can't submit a "fund my life" project).
Because the art world is all about who you know, not what you do.
"The missile was most probably an AGM-115 [sic] Hellfire…"
I'll agree that mobile phone store employees are generally morons, interested only in commissions/metrics — especially if it's a non-corporate store. (This was a Verizon-owned store.)
So, Verizon employees lied to me, not once, but twice: in April and May of last year, when I moved from an AT&T EDGE iPhone (directly from 'Uncle' Steve) to an iPhone 4, and again, when I merged my wife's account with mine to make a family plan.
Actually, the KGB didn't want to touch the Georgi Markov assassination with a 10-foot pole. Which is why the Bulgarian Komitet za Darzhavna Sigurnost (CSS) killed him in an unsanctioned operation.
Georgi Markov was a Bulgarian dissident playwright, who was living in London, where he broadcast on Radio Free Europe and the BBC World Service. The Bulgarian Komitet za Darzhavna Sigurnost (CSS) killed him with a ricin-laced pellet injected by an umbrella.