If you’re not going to then do anything to actually help or change anything then, yes, you can keep your damn mouth shut.
If you’re not going to then do anything to actually help or change anything then, yes, you can keep your damn mouth shut.
I loved Aidan, but he was clearly way too good for Carrie! She treated him like crap most of the time and they had literally zero in common. That episode when they visit his adorable cabin in the country where she walks around with her fricken designer high heels in the mud and screeches like a banshee over a…
Maybe we could raise the standards if hollywood didn’t fail this rudimentary test the vast majority of the time.
Just hope he doesn't cut off his nose to spiderface.
Could you be more pacific?
For all intensive purposes it is a doggy dog world out there for grammarians. That’s why I like to have copy editors at my beckon call.
Jaimie Alexander
Talk about the books those women wrote. What you enjoyed about them. What you disliked about them. Recommend their books to other people. Start book clubs that feature them.
It’s also just a stupid thing to put in a call for this type of role. If there’s anything midwesterners are good at, it’s hiding their biases and coming up with other justifications for racism. Have a casting call for all races— and THEN hire the white one!
I bought three different types of yeast infection treatment, a giant bottle of wine, a tub of ice cream, and a new pair of undies at Target one night. I saw an ex with my basket full of sad lady things and then the checkout lady gave me the most judgmental look I’ve ever gotten. I signed the key pad “Yeasty…
Don’t fuck with the sloth, Sir David. They may be slow, and they may not be violent, and they may only poop once a week, and they may not be scrappy, but...
I’m especially horrified by her advice to get rid of all your books except the couple dozen or so that belong in your personal Hall of Fame. Her premise: even with books that give you pleasure and you might want to read again, you’ll likely never reread them, so get rid of them.
Hey, my mom is a jerkbag!
I would like to deeply apologize for the above comment. When I said “so long Jerkbags”, I didn’t mean to imply that the rest of you are, in fact, Jerkbags. I was suffering from exhaustion at the time and have deep respect for the Jerkbag community.
Which signatories of NAFTA are east and west of the USA?
I was just discussing with my boyfriend how the evangelical support that Trump is getting is proof that those people are not really concerned abut electing people who believe in their god the hardest. There is no one on earth who believes Trump is a religious man. These people want racist, sexist, homophobic leaders,…
Absolutely right! Manufacturing jobs RIGHTFULY BELONG to unskilled white Americ men, not dirty Mexicans. It’s a white man’s right to have an auto industry job in the U.S. Because they earned it by being white and men. Thank you Hillary!