Apparently it’s Jennifer Lawrence at Comic-Con? I reverse image searched it because it doesn’t look anything like her to me, for some reason.
Apparently it’s Jennifer Lawrence at Comic-Con? I reverse image searched it because it doesn’t look anything like her to me, for some reason.
Right? “The Wine Train” just sounds like an absolute riot; the kind of place you can totally go and drink wine with your book club and occasionally even allow noises like laughter to leave your face. They need to change this to “The Scowling Moneyed Pearl-Clutching Day Drunk White Ladies’ Transit Line.”
I appreciate both the over-the-top photo snark and the reasonable engagement ring.
Male here.
Yeah I love how he’s like “fatties stay away! Also none of you surfboards either! Actually no one! No one wear this. This is for no one.”
I disagree. I think this bride _should_ confront her friend about the lack of gift, so that the bridesmaid has the opportunity to shit in a box and mail it to her, but that's just me.
You are pro choice and I am the fucking Queen of England.
Planned Parenthood doesn’t profit off of anyone. They are a registered non-profit. And I don’t believe you’re pro-choice for a minute.
Here’s the thing:
Even O’Donnell is not claiming that the other technicians weren’t licensed. Where... are you getting that?
I still don’t understand this whole supposed scandal. Let’s say for the sake of argument that they are, in fact, selling tissue and organs from aborted fetuses (I realize they aren’t, but just for the sake of argument): Why is that worse than just throwing it out, which would be the other option? I just don’t get it.
They probably expected that VF would make her . . .
He is royalty and yet I still think Emma Watson could do better.
This is rape.
This so much. WHERE THE FUCK ARE THE GOOD COPS? Statistically speaking, they have to be out there. SPEAK UP, COWARDS!
Sanders and his followers can’t keep claiming CRM/MLK association as a means of addressing the current problems facing black people. That’s nice and all, but this is 2015. He wants their votes. You don’t just get them because you marched with MLK. What are you doing for these people NOW! Both O’Malley and Hillary made…
Exactly. How about not wasting your time on cheating douchebags you feel you have to babysit.
If you look behind Will Ferrel, you can see Gwen and Gavin sitting in the next row.